EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Well said -the shallowness in the Remain argument is that they try to stigmatise the Leave position as being AGAINST immigration when in fact we just want control. That is most likely that wanting to be in control is entirely sensible and cannot be lazily labelled.

Britain has less immigration and migration than other countries in Europe. We need extra workers in this country when there is an aging population soon to be on pensions with less people to pay for it.

Any rise in population has been exacerbated with a government cutting resources to local areas putting a strain on services at a time when these extra workers have settled.

No countries border controls are perfect but what the outers want is to bulldoze the house because they see a problem with the door.

Brilliant and very much on the money IMO

As the man say's

"caught between the devil and the deep blue TWATS"

Spot on.

I think voting to Leave is the safest option.

Voting to stay now is a dead horse, as even if we stay it isn't a majority so the EU is basically dead as soon as the EU starts pissing people off who vote remain they will want to leave. It's a farce but voting to Leave atleast puts us in a position of power and closing our borders to open immigration so it doesn't destroy our resources.

We need to show some balls as a country.

Off topic a little but of great interest and a major reason to vote Brexit.
I have admired Ambrose Evans-Pritchard for his writing at the Daily Telegraph on Politics and Economics. There have been occasions I have been puzzled by his seemingly support of the failed neo-liberal and austerity frauds. This made me think he had been possibly suborned by the dark forces of the elites.
However he has come out solidly for Brexit and the reasons can be ascertained from the above link ,where he has an honorable mention going back over 10 years.
You're the one who iis challenging the status quo. You have the burden of prood.Ive made my point. You haven't. I'm off to bed.
BTW you may think you´re voting for the status quo but you´re not you´re voting for more integration.
Now try and make a positive case for your beloved European Union. Just exactly where will the 'project' be in 10, 15, 20 years time?
Poor George is having a bit of a mare over his silly little threats, remember the rescission to end all rescission's with hundreds of thousands of jobs going down the pan, the one some foolish soul on here claimed would be like 911 ?

Hmmm. So in 2008 we lose 7% of GDP after a major economic collapse.

And the treasusry are estimating that if Brexit happens, we will have 4 quarters of GDP loss of only 0.1% each quarter. And thats if the Government decides to sit on its arse and not try to rectify anything.

So is this the economic disaster the remainers keep warning us about if we leave the EU?
Again, many credible polls have shown that the number 1 concern for the majority of those voting out is immigration. Might not be for you but for the majority it is.

But again, that isn't what he was disputing. He was disputing the "don't care about the economy" and "racist" comment. It really isn't diffcult to understand.
So is this the economic disaster the remainers keep warning us about if we leave the EU?

No. The possible economic disaster would be if the Eurozone crumbled if we left which would cause a massive global recession that would make 2008 look like a walk in the park. But that is worst case scenario.
Can the remainians defend the "Facts" they try and hoodwink us with ?, not a f*cking chance.

To be fair I never liked his old man, but I at least believed he had some integrity in what he said, this c*nt is nothing more than a parrot repeating what others have fed him without the brains to see its utter shite.
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