EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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See, thats the main problem i have with remain campaign. I've heard all these 'disaster' scenario's before and most of them turned out to be utter bollocks.
Y2K we were told stuff like planes would be falling out of the sky.
Don't join the ERM thingy, Britain will suffer mass unemployment & recession.
Same thing was said if we didn't change from the Pound to the Euro etc.

When it came to pass most of these didn't even register a blip, and in hindsight we were actually better off by not doing what the institutions with vested interests,like the IMF, treasury, BOE suggested.

I firmly now believe that if we leave, we might have a slight blip to the economy for 12 months, but after that we'll be in a lot better position.
The Pound might drop against other major currencies like the dollar etc, but i think that if we leave the Euro zone will be on its arse, and the Euro will drop also paralleling the Pound, so there won't be much change.

Thats why I said worst case sceanrio :)

As for Y2K, While it was a real threat there was plenty of warning and all the key systems were fixed before the date changed, But the Media picked up on and just ran with it.

Personally I believe an exit would cause more of a hit that the one year minor recession for us, but it wouldn't be an instant hit as theres a 2 year negotiation period. I honestly believe the people on the street will be the ones that get hit with hike in prices on lots of things ( Tv's etc etc), for example, things that you see saying E299.00 but £249 will probably become £299 like they used to be a decade or so ago.
This is the key point for those saying remain is the safe option. What's on the EU agenda?

First thing is the Financial Transaction Tax, which will wreck one of our key strengths. Even the EU reckoned this would depress growth significantly before they changed to a ludicrously optimistic set of assumptions.

Then there's TTIP, which is a blatant attempt by the US to impose financial and corporate hegemony and will lead to rampant privatisation of public services. Does anyone seriously believe Cameron's assurance that the NHS will escape?

Then there's further expansion. Serbia, Albania and Turkey etc. Does anyone believe that if Fuhrer Merkel has said it will happen then we'll be allowed to veto it? Yet more free movement of labour from them to us and free movement of capital the other way.

Then there's further integration as Germany imposes fiscal and political unity on all and sundry. But that's only if the Euro survives as the vast divergence of economic performance continues. The whole Eurozone could quite conceivably collapse into a heap in the next five years. Already the economic woes have impacted our own economy as we're so closely tied to it. It's like companies who supply a few big customers that suffer when one goes bust whereas those with a diverse customer base can generally shrug that off (albeit with some difficulty).

So tell me again how remaining is the "safe" option?

Absolutely nailed it PB
Not really since TTIP has been kicked into the long grass!

PBs point about risks in and out is fair though!

Ever thought it might have been kicked into the long grass just until we vote to Remain? Exactly like the probable huge rises in EU budgets that we'll be liable for...
Ever thought it might have been kicked into the long grass just until we vote to Remain? Exactly like the probable huge rises in EU budgets that we'll be liable for...

I think there is a fair bit of people wanting to have their cake and eat it. On one hand the EU is supposedly terrified we will leave and the other it is storing up huge budget rises for us (that presumably would make any future referendum a walkover if Brexit doesn't win this time).
You want accuracy then it should be the poor WILL vote leave

The remainians still aint got the f*cking message, the scare stories dont work.

Interesting. Remember how Labour owned Scotland quite recently?! Same thing will happen here.
6.05-6.12.....Amen Brother
Not really since TTIP has been kicked into the long grass!

PBs point about risks in and out is fair though!
TTIP has certainly not been kicked into touch. There are elements that one side or other doesn't like but negotiations are well advanced. Two thirds of the 27 key issues are either agreed or close to being. They are talking about completing the agreement in about 3 years time.
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