EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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I think there is a fair bit of people wanting to have their cake and eat it. On one hand the EU is supposedly terrified we will leave and the other it is storing up huge budget rises for us (that presumably would make any future referendum a walkover if Brexit doesn't win this time).

I don't think we'll be allowed a future referendum either.
I don't think we'll be allowed a future referendum either.

I don't think we need one. Right now the overwhelming majority of MPs are in the remain camp. If the EU should deteriorate to the point that this changes and the majority want out, we can just leave - we don't NEED another referendum.

As an aside, our UK MPs are the people in this country who are responsible for running our country. They are the people with the real power and the ones who should be most upset at any loss of sovereignty, since it's THEIR power that's being lost. But actually, the vast majority of our MPs don't mind. They don't feel that the EU impinges upon their powers sufficiently to cause them to want out.

Doesn't it strike people as rather ironic that the Leaver in the street, who has FUCK ALL say in how the country is run, is so offended by his/her loss of sovereignty (not that they have any) that they do want out. Utterly bonkers. Yet another example of how and why the Leave campaign makes no sense and is simply a frenzy of ill-thought out jingoistism, carrying people with it who know no better.
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I think there is a fair bit of people wanting to have their cake and eat it. On one hand the EU is supposedly terrified we will leave and the other it is storing up huge budget rises for us (that presumably would make any future referendum a walkover if Brexit doesn't win this time).
You're floundering badly here Dim. The alligators can smell the blood and are sliding off the riverbank and into the water. I'd leg it to high ground if I were you. ;-)
I don't think we need one. Right now the overwhelming majority of MPs are in the remain camp. If the EU should deteriorate to the point that this changes and the majority want out, we can just leave - we don't NEED another referendum.

We won't need one because we will be out on the know this...which is why you're almost forcing shit down our throats in desperation
We won't need one because we will be out on the know this...which is why you're almost forcing shit down our throats in desperation

I don't know it, person. And I am not forcing any shit down any throats, just giving you a plain truth you can't bear to hear.

Personally, I still think you'll lose and by more than most people expect.
I don't know it, person. And I am not forcing any shit down any throats, just giving you a plain truth you can't bear to hear.

Personally, I still think you'll lose and by more than most people expect.

You've not given any truths at all remainers you just harp on about what COULD happen if we left...the thing is Chippy we already know how crap the EU is for the we have considerably more facts than you on this matter
You've not given any truths at all remainers you just harp on about what COULD happen if we left...the thing is

So predicting what COULD happen is "forcing shit down throats is it"? Sounds about right: No Leaver on here is remotely interested in any possible bad scenarios.

By the way, with 5 days to go, you need a bloody sight more than a 1% lead if you are to sweep to the victory you tell me I know is coming.

Doesn't it strike people as rather ironic that the Leaver in the street, who has FUCK ALL say in how the country is run, is so offended by his/her loss of sovereignty (not that they have any) that they do want out. Utterly bonkers.

While it fails to register with the likes of you that they DO have a say in how the country is run, they can vote out any MP they want to, they have the right to demand a trial by a jury of their peers in a capital offence, they can take civil matters to the queens bench as a right.
The Hillsborough verdict as an example would not have been possible in any other EU country because the state makes the decision and thats the end of the matter.

The "Overwhelming" majority of MPs are also a bunch of self serving c*nts are they not ?, they know full well that getting out of the EU curtails their gravy train ride if they get voted out for following the party line rather than representing the wishes of the electorate.
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