EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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That's absolutely fine and I agree with your rationale.

I'm asking why you think voting out is pure selfishness. Your reasoning above could also be stated as being selfish.
Nice one Sam mate.
It's just that little Englanders mentality. The thinking that we'd somehow be better alone than working together, when all the evidence points the opposite way.
I think you're a victim of your criticism.

Speculation and opinion, guessing and calculating are the TRUTH are they? They are views, call it what you will, call it anything but the truth because that is the one thing they are not.

To your second point about my "hollow statement". I don't get your meaning. Just because they've got things right before doesn't mean they'll get this right either does it?

Why do you put so much faith in anything such as this I certainly never could. Maybe I'm too cynical.

Too cynical? No, you're WAAAAAAYYYYYY too cynical. Seriously, you and a load of people on here who have a real chip on their shoulder about all these evil politicians out to get them. Honestly, it's quite sad. Maybe you personally don't fall into that camp, but you are too cynical imho.

And you're just playing with words. I didn't say predicting and calculatting are the TRUTH. I said in the absense of the truth, it's the best we've got. None of the respecting economists are "guessing". That implies throwing darts at the wall, or looking at tea leaves and even you must recognise they are not doing that. They are *working it out* as best they can given the data, given previous experiences of other situations.

To dismiss all this as "well it might be right, or it might be wrong" and therefore suggest it's 50-50 either way is just pure bollocks, simply to try to defend an indefensible position.
Another misguided soul.

Not at all, i have the facts as they are at hand, i just choose to not believe the scaremongering and feel we will do just fine.

If you ran a chemical engineering firm you would know the extra red tape applied to us and the hassle and cost it ensues.
Our wheel was not broke so did not need fixing. This affected and hindered me personally a lot and cost me a lot to the point we had to lay off 2 people for 4 months.
This was 100% eu shit so excuse me for not being as enlightened as your good self.

Either way i feel this thread now serves no purpose other than to offer a platform for mud flinging so i shall go to a silly thread in off topic cheers ladies and gents (drops mic)
Nice one Sam mate.
It's just that little Englanders mentality. The thinking that we'd somehow be better alone than working together, when all the evidence points the opposite way.
So again I'm just playing devils advocate here and opening debate (and I've already voted), but the reasoning for many to vote out has nothing to do with little England but wanting to remain a sovereign state, able to trade with the world, allow in who they wish and not be part of an increasingly federalist super state (much like the Aussie's and Canadian's enjoy).
So again I'm just playing devils advocate here and opening debate (and I've already voted), but the reasoning for many to vote out has nothing to do with little England but wanting to remain a sovereign state, able to trade with the world, allow in who they wish and not be part of an increasingly federalist super state (much like the Aussie's and Canadian's enjoy).

Only this! (ok i really am going now)
A very accurate (to me) and concise post.
Too cynical? No, you're WAAAAAAYYYYYY too cynical. Seriously, you and a load of people on here who have a real chip on their shoulder about all these evil politicians out to get them. Honestly, it's quite sad. Maybe you personally don't fall into that camp, but you are too cynical imho.

And you're just playing with words. I didn't say predicting and calculatting are the TRUTH. I said in the absense of the truth, it's the best we've got. None of the respecting economists are "guessing". That implies throwing darts at the wall, or looking at tea leaves and even you must recognise they are not doing that. They are *working it out* as best they can given the data, given previous experiences of other situations.

To dismiss all this as "well it might be right, or it might be wrong" and therefore suggest it's 50-50 either way is just pure bollocks, simply to try to defend an indefensible position.
Sorry mate, that above criticism applies directly to your comments.

You were the one saying the Leavers could not stand the truth, which was the comment that started this area of debate.

If you want to get technical, point me to the truth - not an opinion, not "working it out" but the truth you say the Leavers are in denial over. Quite simple really. It may be pure bollocks in your opinion but is it any more or less bollocks than the opinion of those you quote. I guess the answer to that will depend on your viewpoint. Still you carry on dismissing the views of the Leavers the way you do and will be joining EB2 as the leave campaigns best recruiting sergeants. So, as you were....
Nice one Sam mate.
It's just that little Englanders mentality. The thinking that we'd somehow be better alone than working together, when all the evidence points the opposite way.
What´s this little englander shite? The brexit lot want to make trade deals with the new American Administration, all the Commonwealth, the Far East and South America. The majority of the world, about 5 billion people. You remain lot wish to stay within europe to hide, remote and isolated inside a piddling little market, 10 times smaller. Only one group are cowardly xenophobes.

Reject negative xenophobic isolationism in the EU. (to paraphrase Obama)

Vote Leave.
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