EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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I'm interested to know what 'in' means to you. Is it 1/ a Europe that we constantly try to hinder or 2/ do you want a complete capitulation on everything from joining Schengen and the Euro , in other words complete integration?
If your answer is 1/ then I cannot really see the point of voting in because you don't really want to integrate fully.
If your answer is 2/ Then be prepared for anything the Union tells you to do in future. That might also mean your children being forced into conscription to support a European army. If you think that is far fetched just remember that Lithuania is about to introduce conscripton and another Eastern European state is discussing it. You may think this wonderful peace of which you have enjoyed under the protection of NATO will continue but Trump has put a question mark under that and Junker is prepared to tool up with a European army and give America the cold shoulder. Anything could happen after that. Your kids could be called up to go and fight a war for the benefit of bureacrats in Brussels. And you would have no reason to refuse it as you are happy to be part of it. Think carefully what you are doing.

From the article you quoted:-

Defence Secretary and Remain campaigner Michael Fallon ruled out the prospect of the UK ever joining an EU army, back in May.

"Our security rests on Nato. No one seriously disputes that. Britain will never be part of an EU army," he said.

"We have a veto on all EU defence matters and we would oppose any move to create one. In fact, I don't know any European defence minister who wants a European army," Mr Fallon added.

It's not a case of Britain hindering Europe. Barack Obama says he wants us in the EU, a like minded partner, and someone who has similar views to America (the largest contributor to NATO).
One question not asked or answered is, if we vote leave is it just the EU the exit side want us out of as we will still be members of the council of europe, the european space agency, and some extent Euratom, or is it the whole hog?

What is the question on the referendum again?
From the article you quoted:-

Defence Secretary and Remain campaigner Michael Fallon ruled out the prospect of the UK ever joining an EU army, back in May.

"Our security rests on Nato. No one seriously disputes that. Britain will never be part of an EU army," he said.

"We have a veto on all EU defence matters and we would oppose any move to create one. In fact, I don't know any European defence minister who wants a European army," Mr Fallon added.

It's not a case of Britain hindering Europe. Barack Obama says he wants us in the EU, a like minded partner, and someone who has similar views to America (the largest contributor to NATO).

If the EU wants a European army, the EU will get a European army. I expect people in the 1970s were saying there would never be anything other than a common market.
Should the vote to leave the EU be successful how do those who want this feel about those EU citizens currently living and working in the UK? Is a line drawn here and they get to stay? Or do you make them return to their homelands?

Think this is a no-brainer - they stay. I have not heard anyone consider otherwise
Lighten up BigJoe! I wasnt accusing you of thinking like that - but what was Cameron supposed to say. The EU would have known where Dave stood since he focussed his negotiations on family and unemployment benefits - as well as opposing political integration

It chimes what you were saying the other week that if you are going to make a go of the EU you have to allies and probably a level Of committment to help to influence the agenda.
I accept your point but I never have suggested we're superior to anyone else, again I'm not saying others don't think that but that I certainly don't.

I think Cameron should've picked up on this, and who knows, maybe he did. He should've told the EU, whoever that is, that there was a very strong liklihood, that unless he could take something that would enable us to protect our borders better, the U.K. Public will vote to leave. Not issue it as a threat just a clear indication of the mood of the population. That way, if and when we do vote to leave he could turn to the EU, shrug his shoulders and say, you reap what you sew!
What is the question on the referendum again?

I know that, but this is a valid question, do the leave campaign want just an EU exit of would they like the rest to go as well at some point, like it or not europe is an intertwined continent and we are joined in many venture that affect the british public daily.
Rubbish. If Europe wanted an army we'd have it by now and be using it on the likes of Isis.

Oh really. I didn't even say it would be a bad idea. It's a natural conclusion of integration and federalisation. I don't see why it wouldn't happen.
I know that, but this is a valid question, do the leave campaign want just an EU exit of would they like the rest to go as well at some point, like it or not europe is an intertwined continent and we are joined in many venture that affect the british public daily.
I can see no reason why a separate UK could not work with the EU as a single bloc, or indeed work with individual countries on a bi-lateral basis. I appreciate the latter is more difficult and less likely because the EU does not or would not encourage it.

Why would we break off all or any beneficial (to both parties) partnerships?
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