I'm interested to know what 'in' means to you. Is it 1/ a Europe that we constantly try to hinder or 2/ do you want a complete capitulation on everything from joining Schengen and the Euro , in other words complete integration?I'll be voting in because the EU has played a huge contribution in keeping peace in Europe.
My father lived through the 2nd World War as a young child. He went with my Grandmother, Auntie and Uncle from Gorton to live in Hadfield at the outset of the war. He remembered being back in Gorton one night when an air raid took place. He said he was carried to an air raid shelter by his uncle as the search lights went up and the guns were shooting at the German bombers. After that my gran never let him go back to Gorton while the war was still on. I tell this story because when I really think about it it wasn't that long ago.
I've studied a bit of history, in particular the two world wars. The utter carnage and devastation that took place cannot truly be comprehended.
It seems to me everyone thinks the world wars were so long ago that they bare little or no relevence to our current time but that's where I believe we are making a mistake.
Nigel Farage was asked in one of the debates about how he saw the EU in 20 years from now, and he gleefully envisaged an EU that had collapsed totally.
If we vote to leave it's not hard to envisage a domino affect.
Who are countries going to blame next when things aren't going well, and there's no EU to blame? Well we can always start blaming each other again. Anyone, as long as it's not ourselves.
For all it's faults the EU is surely better option than the sheer hell that preceeded it.
Immigration? The Economy? It's the peace stupid!
If your answer is 1/ then I cannot really see the point of voting in because you don't really want to integrate fully.
If your answer is 2/ Then be prepared for anything the Union tells you to do in future. That might also mean your children being forced into conscription to support a European army. If you think that is far fetched just remember that Lithuania is about to introduce conscripton and another Eastern European state is discussing it. You may think this wonderful peace of which you have enjoyed under the protection of NATO will continue but Trump has put a question mark under that and Junker is prepared to tool up with a European army and give America the cold shoulder. Anything could happen after that. Your kids could be called up to go and fight a war for the benefit of bureacrats in Brussels. And you would have no reason to refuse it as you are happy to be part of it. Think carefully what you are doing.
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