EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Haha. Proof Brexiters just don't want to here the remain arguments.
Forgive me but two points....

This is hardly proof Brexiters don't want to hear the remain arguements.... perhaps he'd just seen enough.

Secondly, Yphrunts does not represent Brexiters, he represents himself and ver well too. For you to suggest otherwise is about as valid as me suggesting all Remainers are West Ham fans.... just because you are. Stupid isn't it. Anyway at least you try to score points so well done for the effort!
Traffic jams in Kent or anywhere else are down to successive governmemts terrible handling of our infrastructure and public transport systems, our roads were built mainly when cars were not in abundance.

Also on this I have a family with an 18 yr old son as a neighbour, this bloke has his own business with 2 vans and him, his wife and the lad all have a car each, just cause there's a lot of cars it could be 3 from one household on the road at the same time, got nowt to do with more people coming in, what was once one family car you now get several in one family.

Traffic management is down to what we can afford to do within a timescale and the land resources available. You cannot expand our cities and towns without encroaching on the green belt. The fact that the Greens don't make any connection to this at all is enlightening. The only way is to build upwards or overhead. You might have a vision for parts of this country to look like Hong Kong. I don't share that vision with comfort.

So your proposal to counteract the congestion on the roads is to limit the freedom of individuals to own more than one car? Serious question.
So your proposal to counteract the congestion on the roads is to limit the freedom of individuals to own more than one car? Serious question.

no but an increase in cars in reference to the number of people coming into the country is a nonsense, as the point is more and more households have more than one car now than say 20 years agao
There's this myth that bookies somehow have access to information that the rest of us don't and this drives the odds. Quite simply, odds are driven by the relative weight of money on each outcome. If someone bet £200 on Remain and someone else bets £100 on Leave, the bookie calculates that if Remain wins and he pays out more than £300 then he's lost money. So the odds reflect that.

What's the odds on there being a new pound shop in Prestwich where you can go to celebrate if there is an out vite
PMSL at that. He fought to end German military domnation of Europe and we've ended up with German political & financial domination of Europe. Same result but without the jackboots and panzers.

You can hardly blame the Germans for Prestwich being dominated by pound shops! You definitely get your Euors worth!
What's the odds on there being a new pound shop in Prestwich where you can go to celebrate if there is an out vite

You can hardly blame the Germans for Prestwich being dominated by pound shops! You definitely get your Euors worth!
Have you got anything sensible to contribute to this debate or are you just intent on trolling?
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