EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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So his 'evidence' in his own words comes down to his opinion that he sees it as 'valuable' to remain and then goes on to say we need to be at the table in order to change the EU from within. Christ!
Has he been asleep for the past few weeks and not registered that Cameron was sent back with piddling concessions that have yet to be ratified after our vote has been made and there will be no chance of that happening. Does he not recognise that the European Treaties are set in stone and that the ECJ will never change anything? Wasted 16 minutes of my life watching that. :-)
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The whole thing is making my head explode so trying my best to avoid the news apart from sport of course.

Despite the sight of the that prick Geldof on his boat and the sanctimonious smug tirades of Guardianistas I think the remain campaign will prevail in a similar scenario to the referendum north of the border. Do I know what's for the best ?, do I buggery, all I know folk on both sides have made me want to puke, roll on Friday.
There's this myth that bookies somehow have access to information that the rest of us don't and this drives the odds. Quite simply, odds are driven by the relative weight of money on each outcome. If someone bet £200 on Remain and someone else bets £100 on Leave, the bookie calculates that if Remain wins and he pays out more than £300 then he's lost money. So the odds reflect that.
Bookies don't care about the outcome in terms of what they want the outcome to be. They will lay off bets so that they make money in nearly every or most cases. The worst outcome for Themis a well backed favourite winning.

That is what makes me think, looking at the betting pattern here that there must have been some huge sums bet on remaining.
From the article you quoted:-

Defence Secretary and Remain campaigner Michael Fallon ruled out the prospect of the UK ever joining an EU army, back in May.

"Our security rests on Nato. No one seriously disputes that. Britain will never be part of an EU army," he said.

"We have a veto on all EU defence matters and we would oppose any move to create one. In fact, I don't know any European defence minister who wants a European army," Mr Fallon added.

It's not a case of Britain hindering Europe. Barack Obama says he wants us in the EU, a like minded partner, and someone who has similar views to America (the largest contributor to NATO).

Field Marshal Guthrie begs to differ.
Sort of but no. You're meant to receive an amount based on what you pay in. However what you pay in doesn't get invested into a pot anywhere, you payments in this June will go to some retired person(s) in July.

Hence the phrase not a pot to piss in:-)
Am I right?
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