European Super League | ECJ rule that UEFA and FIFA acted unlawfully in blocking Super League (p 29)

I think it would be different if the grounds half empty and there’s mass protests outside. The club wouldn’t be able to ignore.

I don’t think I would be in for a surprise. We still rely on our core fan base to fill the ground every week. If large numbers of those fans stopped attending it would make a big difference in my view.

The new/ tourist fans make up a fraction of our regular match going crowd
There seems more and more of them every new season
If this shit show actually turns into anything concrete then I suspect it’ll be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of fans.

I find myself falling more and more out of love with the game as it is, and I know I’m not the only one.

Fans are treated like disposable idiots by the club and the governing bodies.

I’m a whisker away from jacking it all in as it is. I have other hobbies.
You never know this could be a new lease of life for football.
The closed shop format was obviously a non starter and a bad idea from the off but there’s nothing to suggest it could be any worse.
I mean UEFA are a set of cunts so could it really be any worse?
I guess we’ll get more of idea when everything is layed out for us to see.
I don't understand the antipathy towards a different structure for European football on this forum. Surely of all football fanbases we should be the one that is all for it?

If it wasn't so poorly planned and rushed out when it was, and the clubs were seen to be consulting the stakeholders (including fans) before announcing their intentions there wouldn't have been such a furore.

What is the problem with power being taken away from the PL, UEFA and FIFA and the clubs and hopefully the fans having more say about how the competitions were organised, who had the rights to show them on TV etc? In principle I'd be all for it and the idea of higher quality matches really appeals. Even most CL games are boring to watch these days. UEFA's answer to that seems to be to have even more of them.

I wouldn't miss playing teams who just put 10 behind the ball every week and that would hopefully change if we played higher quality opposition on a more regular basis.
Please someone correct me if I am wrong, but the original plan of the ESL was to invite 24/32 of Europe's leading clubs into a competition that replaced the Champions league. There was never any intention of the clubs "leaving" their domestic leagues. So all these claims that it would kill the Premier league was just hysteria. It was a ploy by the big clubs owners to take the subtantial money Uefa pockets for themselves.

The main issue as I saw back then it was the intention to make it a closed club aka the NFL with no promotion and relegation. I understand going forward this was going to be changed with the bottom 4 clubs dropping out every year.
This is not affecting domestic pointed out this is a fight with eufa/fifa.....
Maybe, but I really think this is being positioned to replace domestic leagues at the top level, if not initially then very soon after start-up. Expansion (further dilution) of the CL is bad enough, but it feels to me like ESL would be a death-knoll for top European (and uk) leagues. Local lower-league and non-league football could get a welcome attendance bounce.
At 64 years old, a seasoncard holder and in all the cup schemes, I think the ESL would be a sign from above that it's time to begin supporting the club from my armchair or, who knows, with a virtual sesson ticket in the future.

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