Euros Ref and VAR

Further to my last post. Fans and players are now complaining about stuttering run ups to a penalty kick. Did he stop and therefore the kick has to be retaken ? Let Var decide.
Throw in, foul throws, see last answer.
Was it a corner ? Surely a goal kick should be the correct decision, let's just check.........

If you think I'm being silly, when Var was first suggested no one thought players would have to practice jumping up with their arms behind their backs like some weird ballerina.
VAR doesn't decide anything they can only recommend a review IF the above was introduced then the matches would take hours
Further to my last post. Fans and players are now complaining about stuttering run ups to a penalty kick. Did he stop and therefore the kick has to be retaken ? Let Var decide.
Throw in, foul throws, see last answer.
Was it a corner ? Surely a goal kick should be the correct decision, let's just check.........

If you think I'm being silly, when Var was first suggested no one thought players would have to practice jumping up with their arms behind their backs like some weird ballerina.

You know what though? Corners can be game changing decisions. It's mad that TV can see the decision is clearly wrong sometimes and the decision can't be fixed. Obviously the issue would be how long the game would take. So...

How to fix it.

We need to get back to empowering refs to make their own decisions so that they can justify them, also reduce obscure decisions, reduce time wasted making these decisions while also correcting other clear errors that aren't looked at currently.

1. Move to a system where each team gets 1 challenge per half. If their challenge is upheld, then keep the challenge. If they lose the challenge, they have none left that half. This would allow teams to challenge other incorrect decisions such as for throw ins and corners, but they would probably only do so if they were sure of it being an error.

2. The challenge can be made by the captain only and the captain must clearly specify what it is they want checking. If they think number 6 has been held in the box, that's what gets checked - what happened to number 7 would be irrelevant to the check. This stops VAR seemingly fishing for incidents.

3. After the challenge the ref will go to the monitor and have the incident played for him/her. Once there, there is up to a minute allowed for viewing, and, unless for point of contact/line decisions, the replays must be played at actual speed. This gives a truer indication of the impact etc.

4. The ref will then make the decision based on the additional viewpoints they see. There is nothing wrong with changing a decision, as there is additional info being shown. However it is the ref making the decision, not somebody in a studio far away, and so the ref should be able to justify whatever outcome they decide.

5. Wrong decisions will happen, and not get overturned. That will become normal once again and we will not aim for perfection. But teams will learn to not make frivolous challenges and the referees decision will become more accepted by the players. They will also know that if a poor decision is made then they can have it corrected. The game would be better for this.

6. Offsides are more tricky, because they have changed from a system where 'level' was okay, to one where forensic analysis is used to decide who was nearer the goal. Even though 99.9% of a player may be level, and how the law is managed now is against all historical sense. I'd prefer to see a 'core' point on the body used, as this would better determine who is nearer the goal than an arbitrary point that depends on if a player is mid-stride or between strides, or which direction they are leaning in. However, difficult to do probably, so go with the system used in the World Cup - at least the decisions give consistency and are relatively quick.
Further to my last post. Fans and players are now complaining about stuttering run ups to a penalty kick. Did he stop and therefore the kick has to be retaken ? Let Var decide.

Look, it already starts with what is allowed and what not. To stop your run taking a penalty is allowed in the first place. You are only not allowed to stop while during the kick itself.
Further to my last post. Fans and players are now complaining about stuttering run ups to a penalty kick. Did he stop and therefore the kick has to be retaken ? Let Var decide.
Throw in, foul throws, see last answer.
Was it a corner ? Surely a goal kick should be the correct decision, let's just check.........

If you think I'm being silly, when Var was first suggested no one thought players would have to practice jumping up with their arms behind their backs like some weird ballerina.
The stutter should be banned. The french keeper nailed it with his sarcastic comment on them.
Look, it already starts with what is allowed and what not. To stop your run taking a penalty is allowed in the first place. You are only not allowed to stop while during the kick itself.

What you just wrote is the reason why it's so complicated, it's gobbledegook open to all sorts of interpretation.
VAR doesn't decide anything they can only recommend a review IF the above was introduced then the matches would take hours
First, I cannot recall an incident, (but I do accept there has been the odd one) where the ref has stuck by his decision. They always go with the VAR official.
Second, I was using those instances to show where we are going if we are not careful. The sight of a 6'5" defender trying to jump whilst keeping his hands behind his back is stupid but Var makes it a reality.
It was sold to us on 'clear and obvious'. They sold us a lie.
The stutter should be banned. The french keeper nailed it with his sarcastic comment on them.
Not sure about that. A penalty is no 50/50 fair game with purpose. It is a retribution which should give the attacker a big advantage. I understand that it's frustrating for the keepers but it's a good thing in my eyes.

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