F.A.O The 'Bellamy, Bellamy, Bellamy' Crowd

flb said:

Dave-i really thought you were more intelligent than that

The disease at this club has been its own fans for the past two decades.

Oh right. The fans who kept the club afloat you mean? The fans who cheered the team on through their darkest days? The fans who turned out in numbers consistently while their rivals cleaned up?

Stick that up your arse. Without us there would be no Manchester City.

The "disease" at this club has been poor decisions by the clowns at the top of the club for 30 years.

I can't believe I'm hearing this from some of you.

We've blamed the media. We've blamed the players. We've blamed our ex-players. And now we're blaming the fucking fans. Who next, the fucking tea-lady?

Wake Up and Smell the fucking coffee.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
blueinsa said:
Didn't boo and didn't agree with those that did but i want to say this, blaming the fans all the time is just rubbish, sorry TH but it is.

We don't appoint the manager, we don't tell him who to sign, we don't tell him how to play and we don't sit round a board room table and decide when to fire him.

Managers are highly paid professionals that live and die by the decisions that they make, always has been like that and it always will.

The Birmingham performance was shit and it was shit because of the tactics employed imo. As a fan i will say it how i see it safe in the knowledge that he wont lose his job because i have criticised him. If he loses it, it is because the results dictate it so and our owner has decided the time is right. Nothing more and nothing less.

I can't believe the naivety amongst some blues.

Not having a personal go. But we as fans do have a major responsibility.

Do the team step up a gear if the atmosphere is right.

Subsequently, can it not work the other way?

City fans are a powerful voice. We've changed boardrooms as a result.

Fans are frustrated mate. We see players out there that are beyond our wildest dreams. Players that we know are technically way beyond anything we have ever had and way beyond the vast majority of the opposition we are facing. The frustration comes from then seeing an abject attacking performance virtually week in week out. The first 45 mins on Saturday was woeful. Slow wasn't the word. Had we started the game with a quick tempo and shown signs that we were going to be treated to an attacking display, the atmosphere would have been right but because it wasn't, the ground was flat. Bobby had explained Wednesday and many fans unhappy had said fair enough because he had promised more against Birmingham yet we got jack shit yet again going forward and it isn't good enough with the quality we now have, especially against a team hell bent on doing nothing but defend. The onus was on us and we didn't perform. Blame the players by all means but if the players are not adhering to his instructions he should change it, surely? He isn't beyond criticism mate and he has to show us that yes, we will be defensive when needed and grind out results but against teams 17th in the league, we will see a different approach.

Time for excuses is running out. He knows that. He knows that our club is unique in world football and that the 10 year plan doesn't exist any more really because the spending has been greatly increased so as to build the team we require. CL football is imperative to our future and business models and he has to deliver. No goals at home in the last 3 games and our goals for in general just isn't good enough and he has to improve that stat or we wont get top 4.

Most fans are not stupid mate, just like we wasn't when we had the fraud Hughes in charge.
Didsbury Dave said:
flb said:

Dave-i really thought you were more intelligent than that

The disease at this club has been its own fans for the past two decades.

Oh right. The fans who kept the club afloat you mean? The fans who cheered the team on through their darkest days? The fans who turned out in numbers consistently while their rivals cleaned up?

Stick that up your arse. Without us there would be no Manchester City.

The "disease" at this club has been poor decisions by the clowns at the top of the club for 30 years.

I can't believe I'm hearing this from some of you.

We've blamed the media. We've blamed the players. We've blamed our ex-players. And now we're blaming the fucking fans. Who next, the fucking tea-lady?

Wake Up and Smell the fucking coffee.

We've blamed all of our managers as well.
Didsbury Dave said:
flb said:

Dave-i really thought you were more intelligent than that

The disease at this club has been its own fans for the past two decades.

Oh right. The fans who kept the club afloat you mean? The fans who cheered the team on through their darkest days? The fans who turned out in numbers consistently while their rivals cleaned up?

Stick that up your arse. Without us there would be no Manchester City.

The "disease" at this club has been poor decisions by the clowns at the top of the club for 30 years.

I can't believe I'm hearing this from some of you.

We've blamed the media. We've blamed the players. We've blamed our ex-players. And now we're blaming the fucking fans. Who next, the fucking tea-lady?

Wake Up and Smell the fucking coffee.

Thanks Dave for telling it exactly as it is!
Didsbury Dave said:
flb said:

Dave-i really thought you were more intelligent than that

The disease at this club has been its own fans for the past two decades.

Oh right. The fans who kept the club afloat you mean? The fans who cheered the team on through their darkest days? The fans who turned out in numbers consistently while their rivals cleaned up?

Stick that up your arse. Without us there would be no Manchester City.

The "disease" at this club has been poor decisions by the clowns at the top of the club for 30 years.

I can't believe I'm hearing this from some of you.

We've blamed the media. We've blamed the players. We've blamed our ex-players. And now we're blaming the fucking fans. Who next, the fucking tea-lady?

Wake Up and Smell the fucking coffee.

The fans that kept City afloat did it in style.

Now we have been rewarded with the best owners, who want the best for us and providing a platform from which we can build into a succesful club.

And we seem not to like it, strange really.
Kinky Dribbler said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Oh right. The fans who kept the club afloat you mean? The fans who cheered the team on through their darkest days? The fans who turned out in numbers consistently while their rivals cleaned up?

Stick that up your arse. Without us there would be no Manchester City.

The "disease" at this club has been poor decisions by the clowns at the top of the club for 30 years.

I can't believe I'm hearing this from some of you.

We've blamed the media. We've blamed the players. We've blamed our ex-players. And now we're blaming the fucking fans. Who next, the fucking tea-lady?

Wake Up and Smell the fucking coffee.

We've blamed all of our managers as well.

Speak for yourself mate.

As a crowd we've been pretty supportive of our managers, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

The only managers I remember the crowd turning on were Alan Ball and to a degree Frank Clarke.

This is not the fault of the fucking fans. I still can't believe the desperation of some of you to deflect the blame anywhere but at who's door it lies.
Didsbury Dave said:
Who next, the fucking tea-lady?

Wake Up and Smell the fucking coffee.

And therein lies the main problem....

Tea-lady making coffee, sort that and we are rocking.
Didsbury Dave said:
flb said:

Dave-i really thought you were more intelligent than that

The disease at this club has been its own fans for the past two decades.

Oh right. The fans who kept the club afloat you mean? The fans who cheered the team on through their darkest days? The fans who turned out in numbers consistently while their rivals cleaned up?

Stick that up your arse. Without us there would be no Manchester City.

The "disease" at this club has been poor decisions by the clowns at the top of the club for 30 years.

I can't believe I'm hearing this from some of you.

We've blamed the media. We've blamed the players. We've blamed our ex-players. And now we're blaming the fucking fans. Who next, the fucking tea-lady?

Wake Up and Smell the fucking coffee.

Dave,its not a case of whos to blame its a case of supporting the fucking manager and team on the pitch on a match day-not just when we win but when we are struggling.

The fans at this club have had a very big say over the years as to who we like or dislike but to chant for Bellamy ridiculing our manager is as ive said a fucking disgrace.

We forced Swales out,Reid and others,we have also destroyed numerous players over many years.

I wouldnt mind but Mancini hasnt yet been proved over a long enough period of time to be deemed a fucking useless tosspot.

We are going in the right direction or have i been reading the league table upside down?

You said yourself Dave that the booing and chanting Bellamys name was wrong.
rastus said:

And we seem not to like it, strange really.

I have never seen more shit talked on Bluemoon than today. Ever.

Every City fan bar Colin Schindler is ecstatic that we finally have an owner with money to burn who is prepared to burn it on us.

There is a frustration building because we are constantly underachieving. And not making visible progress. Saturday was a microcosm of the last 12 months.

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