FA Cup Final | Ticket Criteria

It's ridiculous because the person with much higher points has demonstrated their support since points were devised.
I'm in the scheme and have my Wembley ticket, I just think prioritising cup scheme members is wrong.
I’m sorry but i just don’t understand your logic. Season card holders who do not join the Cup Schemes have demonstrated that they dont want to to go the Cup games. Thats their choice and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Despite that, you think they should be given priority for Final tickets over other season card holders who have committed to the Cup schemes ?

Many of the season card holders that sit near me faithfully attend every home league game but have been absent for the games in all three Cup tournaments. Is it reasonable that they should be be given priority over fans who go to every home game just because they have a lot of points ?
I don't think they are more worthy, just as I don't think 18 to 24-year olds are more worthy, or corporate, or players' family members, or kids whose parents have a lot of points, or people who are on cup schemes etc.

However, that's how the club have decided to allocate tickets. Personally I have no problem with it as it allows a wider range of fans to be able to attend matches. The majority still go to points but the points system is pretty much a closed shop these days and otherwise it would be just the same people eligible for every away game.
The old way was the fairest. Queue up for your ticke
Why does it make sense to open to younger people? Why should a 23-year old have a better chance of a ticket than a 26-year old etc?

It should either be points system only or have different avenues to be able to get a ticket for aways. As I've said, I personally prefer the latter as it give more chance to a wider range of Blues, especially now the points system is pretty much a closed shop.
I would be happy to go back to the old system, queue up for tickets, overnight if needed (but that’s never coming back in!). What do you mean by the latter? Presumably you mean supporters club members, which isn’t opening it up to a wider range of Blues, just the same sc members. Points only or queuing is the fairest.
Probably a daft question,I see that the sales windows started yesterday,and the next change of criteria is not until Monday,however,are the tickets purchable over the Week end?
Yes they are, with those eligible on Friday able to purchase over the weekend.
Anybody know the answer to this one:
The deaf guy ,I'm a carer for,is on holiday so can't go.On Monday when I go online for tickets(9k points),I'm gonna use his mcfc login to get our tickets and me and my son will use said tickets.
However when he receives the email for the tickets,is there a way to download those tickets to my wallet instead of his? Or is it even possible to print off tickets onto paper?
Yes you can select which email address the tickets go to from the saved email addresses on your city account.

Or he could just forward you the email when he receives it and then you can download directly from the email to your wallet.
Some people join the cup schemes specifically to get priority at finals and can pay for itself getting a £70 lower tier as opposed to a £145.

In 2011 for the semi and the final, Cup Schemers were allowed to buy in the first window along with higher points, which was a retropsective rule as cup scheme gave no other ticket buying advantage up to then. Since then though it has been formalised, but this is the first domestic final since 2011 when SC holders are likley to miss out. So it has only been as issue now (UCL Final 2021 the only other time).

SC holder not on the CS will have at least 4k seats to go at on Tuesday. Maybe more if people don't want to pay £115+ for ticket, and mainly upper tier selling now, as nothing under that on the lower or middle.
The old way was the fairest. Queue up for your ticke

I would be happy to go back to the old system, queue up for tickets, overnight if needed (but that’s never coming back in!). What do you mean by the latter? Presumably you mean supporters club members, which isn’t opening it up to a wider range of Blues, just the same sc members. Points only or queuing is the fairest.
By latter I meant having different avenues to getting tickets, so that people without a shitload of points can get to an away game once in a while - supporters clubs, corporate, players family members, 18-24-year olds, employees etc. Even maybe the occasional ballot for a few tickets.

I personally don't find the queuing system any fairer. What about Blues that live miles away? Those that have to be at work? Anyway, as you say, that system isn't likely to come back. The points system is also flawed when it's a closed shop. I'm sure plenty on points also buy tickets and pass them on the friends/family.

I don't think there will ever be a system that everyone will feel is fair. I just feel having more options is a better thing. You obviously don't, which is fair enough.
Season card holders will always get preference over non card holders and correctly so.
The FA cup is the only scheme i'm not in.My choice.Itdoes not matter how many FA cup games i have attended this season.By not joining i will have to wait until my points total becomes eligible for me to purchase a ticket.
My main gripe is that the Edinburgh supporters branch would not take me in as a member so non season ticket holders that have been accepted have a better chance of a ticket than me.
I find it hard to take that the Supporters branch closest to me cannot take me in as a member.

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