FA CUP Ticket information

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alib said:
moomba said:
west didsblue said:
Home FA Cup games this season have cost me £15, £17.50 and £20; a total of £52.50. If you are unlikely to have a spare £20 in your account at any one time I would suggest that a £500 season ticket is an extravagance you can't afford in the first place.

Or if you look at it another way, if you are struggling for £20, how can you afford a £65 cup final ticket plus another £100 travel and spends.

As I've said a few times I had just finished a contract, and hadn't picked up another. At the time I had to sign up I had money for a ST but didn't know if I would have money at various stages of the season the club would ask for it.

I have since picked up a couple of new contracts. And indeed spent some of my money on cup games through the year. But it just wasn't possible to commit to that at the time.

The how can you afford a ST or a final ticket if you can't afford to join the cup scheme has been used a couple of times now. Its just ignorant to the realities of some peoples lives.

If I was in the same boat this May I would make the same decision. Only this time I suspect my 11 years as a season ticket holder who has been to plenty of cup and away games would not get me a ticket if we made another final. I guess that makes me not loyal enough.

I thought you could join the FA Cup scheme right up to December and didn't have to decide in June when renewing season cards?

That's not true mate. The cup schemes all closed about a week or two before the Villa League Cup game in September. I know because I thought I was in it and when I heard nothing about the Villa game, I phoned them up and was told I wasn't in any of them and I'd just missed the deadline. Luckily they let me join anyway as it was their fault.
I joined the cup scheme to make sure i had a better chance of getting a ticket for the final,it gives season ticket holders who committed to a tournament that by all accounts had lost its appeal to some a chance of getting cheaper tickets and then tickets for the semi and final.Seems a fair system to me.
All season ticket holders get a chance to join,all must know that if you are in any cup scheme your have a far better chance of getting tickets for the final.
I would also say gold membership and joining cup schemes far better value than platinum.
moomba said:
west didsblue said:
moomba said:
The point I was getting at (and perhaps I shouldn't have quoted you as you weren't making this point) is that a lot of people seem to see membership of the cup scheme as some sort of "no brainer" easy choice for people to make.

I'm just saying that for many blues, it just isn't viable to join the scheme. If you don't have a lot of cash you can't take the risk whether the money will be in your account when it's taken out. It might be that when the game does come around you do have the spare cash and buy a ticket to the game anyway. It might be that you don't have the money and you don't go.

I just feel that these people are pretty much disregarded in the whole setup. And soon I'm pretty sure that if you don't join up to the scheme you won't get a ticket to any big cup game.
Home FA Cup games this season have cost me £15, £17.50 and £20; a total of £52.50. If you are unlikely to have a spare £20 in your account at any one time I would suggest that a £500 season ticket is an extravagance you can't afford in the first place.

Or if you look at it another way, if you are struggling for £20, how can you afford a £65 cup final ticket plus another £100 travel and spends.

As I've said a few times I had just finished a contract, and hadn't picked up another. At the time I had to sign up I had money for a ST but didn't know if I would have money at various stages of the season the club would ask for it.

I have since picked up a couple of new contracts. And indeed spent some of my money on cup games through the year. But it just wasn't possible to commit to that at the time.

The how can you afford a ST or a final ticket if you can't afford to join the cup scheme has been used a couple of times now. Its just ignorant to the realities of some peoples lives.

If I was in the same boat this May I would make the same decision. Only this time I suspect my 11 years as a season ticket holder who has been to plenty of cup and away games would not get me a ticket if we made another final. I guess that makes me not loyal enough.

Assuming you didn't join any of the cup schemes, If you genuinely have a concern in May over a £15 payment which wont be leaving your account for 8 months, then where is the sense in laying out an initial £500/£600 just because you have it at the time. That seems more logic than ignorance, I don't think we need Martin Lewis for that one.

I agree you attended the games anyway so that should be taken into account, but at the end of the day the fact you will be able to purchase a ticket although not on the scheme, that is the reward for your loyalty, the same reward you get for every other game you attend, its called priority.
Decc66 said:
Assuming you didn't join any of the cup schemes, If you genuinely have a concern in May over a £15 payment which wont be leaving your account for 8 months, then where is the sense in laying out an initial £500/£600 just because you have it at the time. That seems more logic than ignorance, I don't think we need Martin Lewis for that one.

Yes, logic would suggest that I don't buy the ST at all. Ignorance is the thought that people won't buy the ticket if they have the cash at the time to do it. I had the cash at the time, but was faced with the prospect of having no more cash coming in until I picked up a new contract. With a mortgage, kids etc and no income or benefits (I'm not eligible) I couldn't justify committing to spend £15 at a time I may not have had £15 to spend. At that time I had no idea when that was going to be, and if it carried on having spent £600 on a season ticket would have been the least of my worries.

I agree you attended the games anyway so that should be taken into account, but at the end of the day the fact you will be able to purchase a ticket although not on the scheme, that is the reward for your loyalty, the same reward you get for every other game you attend, its called priority.

Yes, and I disagree with the idea that someone who is a first years season ticket holder who may have been to 3 cup matches in their life can have priority over a 10 year season who has been to dozens. That's all, it's nothing against new supporters and I wouldn't begrudge any of them a ticket. We all want to go for the right reasons and we'll all do what we can to do so. I just don't like the principle of it, and I don't like the direction it is heading towards.

And I do agree that cup scheme members should get an advantage for their membership. Up to 600 points plus points for individual games, cheap or capped tickets, being bumped up two or three categories when it comes to buying tickets for big games. Real benefits for those making the commitment, but without forgetting about those that have been committed (or should have been) for years.
valleyjohn said:
It is a joke that the cup scheme is the deciding factor for tickets.6500 points and waiting.

is it fuck a joke
it rewards the 17k people who committed to watching us every time we played at home in the cup,
over and above those who wouldnt commit but now want to watch us cos we're in the final

and its hardly a surprise, as it happened 2 seasons back
simonk said:
is it fuck a joke
it rewards the 17k people who committed to watching us every time we played at home in the cup,
over and above those who wouldnt commit but now want to watch us cos we're in the final

and its hardly a surprise, as it happened 2 seasons back

It didn't actually. Scheme members got in at about the 4th category. I ended up getting mine on points as I got in before I could have got in on the scheme. For the semi it was scheme members got first dibs and I got mine through the scheme a couple of days before I could get in on points.

Having said that I agree that it is not a surprise, we all knew the score.

Doesn't mean that it's right though.
moomba said:
alib said:
moomba said:
As I've said a few times I had just finished a contract, and hadn't picked up another. At the time I had to sign up I had money for a ST but didn't know if I would have money at various stages of the season the club would ask for it.

I have since picked up a couple of new contracts. And indeed spent some of my money on cup games through the year. But it just wasn't possible to commit to that at the time.

The how can you afford a ST or a final ticket if you can't afford to join the cup scheme has been used a couple of times now. Its just ignorant to the realities of some peoples lives.

If I was in the same boat this May I would make the same decision. Only this time I suspect my 11 years as a season ticket holder who has been to plenty of cup and away games would not get me a ticket if we made another final. I guess that makes me not loyal enough.

I thought you could join the FA Cup scheme right up to December and didn't have to decide in June when renewing season cards?

You could join up to August I think.

You could join up for all three schemes in August, although I'm sure that club sent through an email reminding everyone that they would be able to join the FA Cup scheme prior to the third round draw in December.

I joined the FA Cup scheme in December last season just before we drew United out of the hat, which saved me £20 on the ticket, although I'd rather forget that game.

This year I joined all three schemes when I renewed my season ticket. Not saved that much by joining the FA Cup scheme this year as the prices have remained low for the home fixtures, although good to see a packed stadium.
Major benefit is priority for semi and final tickets.
Queue at 4am Wigan this morning. But they are available online?

I've got plenty of points, not on the scheme this year (don't ask) and still think it's a good idea for precisely that reason.

In theory a person who bought their first season ticket this year has got a better chance to get to Wembley due to my inactivity.

Fair play to 'em.

I won't be making the same mistake again.
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