FA Watch

Right, in repsonse to previous requests I have now composed a generic e-mail which is being sent individually to various journalists, namely David Conn, Henry Winter, Oliver Holt, Martin Samuel, James Lawton and Patrick Barclay. It is also going to sport@men.co.uk, and reads:

Dear xx,

I attach copies of two letters sent to the FA this morning by e-mail. It contains details of a campaign set up by Manchester City supporters in the fall out of Saturday's game with Arsenal which may be of interest to you, even if only to keep a watching brief at the moment.

Contrary to public perception, many Manchester City fans do not have a problem per se with the FA charge of violent conduct against Adebayor. What does unite fans though is the perception that other incidents of violent conduct and for that matter inappropriate celebrations and two footed challenges are not always dealt with in a consistent manner by the football authorities, that is, some are more equal before the law than others. This perception is of course directly aimed at the so-called Big 4 clubs and the FA's treatment thereof.

FA Watch will monitor games in the Premier League from now on and invite the Football Association to take action in appropriate cases where it seems the authorities may be reluctant to ask. The campaign will hopefully over time collect evidence that will either prove or disprove the notion that the Big 4 clubs are treated in a way different to other clubs.

In the meantime I have written to the Secretary to the Regulatory Commission drawing their attention to incidents involving Robin Van Persie last Saturday and Nemanja Vidic last month at Wigan and have invited their comments, which will be published in due course at the following web address:

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=140353" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=140353</a>

My contact details are on the letter; if you do wish to speak at any time I can be contacted out of office hours on xxxx or at my e-mail address as given.


Once I've done this I'll have a look at some of the other points raised this morning.
Montgomery Burns said:
The first of what might become a series of letters has been sent to the FA in connection with 'FA Watch', a campaign to highlight the inconsistencies in the way the FA and its officials apply the rules of the game, particularly in relation to the so-called Big 4. Today's chosen subject is Robin Van Persie, simply because last Saturday's match started the whole thing off. The letter reads:

Readers of the Manchester City fan site <a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon.co.uk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bluemoon.co.uk</a> have started to monitor on-field incidents in the Premier League where disciplinary action has not been taken; looking for apparent inconsistencies in the way the FA and its officials apply the rules of the game.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk</a>
Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
Montgomery Burns said:
I wish to apologise to you on behalf of my nation for making a mistake. I will try and not let it happen again.

Exactly how it should be when you decide to represent other people, You have decided to become there voice so make sure you represent them properly.

(Im on Monty Watch)

oh dear
jhg1989 said:
Montgomery Burns said:
The first of what might become a series of letters has been sent to the FA in connection with 'FA Watch', a campaign to highlight the inconsistencies in the way the FA and its officials apply the rules of the game, particularly in relation to the so-called Big 4. Today's chosen subject is Robin Van Persie, simply because last Saturday's match started the whole thing off. The letter reads:

Readers of the Manchester City fan site <a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon.co.uk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bluemoon.co.uk</a> have started to monitor on-field incidents in the Premier League where disciplinary action has not been taken; looking for apparent inconsistencies in the way the FA and its officials apply the rules of the game.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk</a>

Thanks; I spotted this in time for the second letter so that mistake won't be made again!
jhg1989 said:
Montgomery Burns said:
The first of what might become a series of letters has been sent to the FA in connection with 'FA Watch', a campaign to highlight the inconsistencies in the way the FA and its officials apply the rules of the game, particularly in relation to the so-called Big 4. Today's chosen subject is Robin Van Persie, simply because last Saturday's match started the whole thing off. The letter reads:

Readers of the Manchester City fan site <a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon.co.uk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bluemoon.co.uk</a> have started to monitor on-field incidents in the Premier League where disciplinary action has not been taken; looking for apparent inconsistencies in the way the FA and its officials apply the rules of the game.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk</a>

We need somebody to collate the following clips into a Youtube video and send it to the media - it's more likely to create a media storm this way I think:

- Rooney stamp vs Aalborg - NO BAN
- Rooney Kung Fu kick vs Aalborg - NO BAN
- Rooney elbow vs Stoke - NO BAN
- Vidic elbow - NO BAN
- Evra headbutt vs Spurs - NO BAN
- Ronaldo kicking David Dunn - NO BAN
- Ronaldo kicking Michael Dawson - NO BAN
- Rooney punching corner flag vs Fulham - NO BAN
- Van Persie celebration - NO BAN
- Van Persie 2 footed tackle - NO BAN

- SWP kick vs Stoke - 3 MATCH BAN
- Adebayor stamp - 3 MATCH BAN (likely)

Im sure there are hundreds more examples where video evidence has been looked at and dismissed by the FA/UEFA.
As a blue, I totally agree with this letter, it seems to be only one of the reasoned voices in highlighting the inconsistancies of the premier league. I feel though, as it pains me to say, that these words and the words of many others who - regardless of which club they support outside of the top 4 and have an objectional view to the events of saturday - will not be heeded and only because the sheer top 4 biased media pressure, the FA will not deem any investigation necessary. The top 4 clubs seem to me to be untouchable, the FA amd the medias favourite children, the FA and media money spinner. One only has to look at the sports pages of the vile redtop 'The News of the World'. Every week double page spreads on Man Utd, Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea.
It is blatantly obvious, that any other team outside the top 4 are there to only make up the numbers.
It has been going on a long time now, and it will continue to do so, as long as the spineless jellyfish who run the FA carry on being bullied by people like Wenger, Ferguson and the other cronies within the top 4 clubs and UEFA. A photo 2 weeks ago showed Platini with Wenger one side, and Ferguson the other, all in intensive conversation. Platini looked decidedly uneasy. This under the headline about Platini's plans for the financial fair play league.

ALL the other clubs within the Premier League, have to come together to highlight this totally unbalanced favouritism within the league, within UEFA, the FA and the massively biased media. I am afraid though that if the only inconsistancies which are highlighted are against clubs that Manchester City have a reputation of 'hating' (i.e Man Utd) then we can only be seen by the media and the FA as being bitter blues supporters who think there is a vendetta against them. All inconsistancies need to be highlighted within other games within the league. Maybe then this letter needs to be brought to the attention of other clubs fans groups.
When ITV had the rights to the Premier League, a letter was written in to ask, why was it, that every week, the main games shown was only of the top 4?
The response was that ITV feel that they give an equal showing of all games every week, however due to highlighting constraints, they could only show a couple of games a week as main games. ITV also said as an example the main game the week coming was at Portsmouth, therefore disproving the arguement.

However, that week Portsmouth were just happening to be playing Arsenal!

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