Fabregas :-"Even if they had 15 "

Kano said:
No wonder no other team likes your lot.

Oh no don't they? We're nice really when ya get to know us.

Personally I couldn't give 2 shits on "other teams" opinions of us. I've personally spent my supporting years having my team being called shit and little and people liking us. So I'd rather be hated and being called shit because I know deep down people just hate the fact we've gone from small time without a pot to piss in, to a high ambitious club with money in the bank, but I don't expect any prem clubs to know what it feels like to get shafted by your owners to the brink of debt then sack a manager for not winning anything in 1 season which then turns you into a managing swapping player selling club for 20+ years. So yeah if we wanna be arrogant then so be it we're only emulating those who have been top 4 for past 15 years.
Kano said:
moomba said:
What the fuck has money got to do with anything?

Or are you another one that likes to blame our financial situation on all that's wrong with the world?

The arrogance you lot are showing is unbelievable, which isn't surprising.

Can't even read his comments correctly, then lay into him for for being arrogant.

Seriously, get a grip.

No wonder no other team likes your lot.

We think he's a prick. If you don't agree do one.
Can't stand this arrogant overrated twisted spanish toad. Rolling around like the lottery balls.

He's going to be playing for Barcelona next season anyway, he seems to talk about them more than the Arsenal cheats!
Kano said:
This is hilarious.

Can you lot actually grasp what he meant by that comment? Mshaw got it spot on.

Who said that money doesn't make people arrogant...

Yes, I think I have it.

When he said "Even if they were 15 and we were 11 we would still go and win,"

I do believe he actually meant "Even if they (City) were 15 (players) and we (Arse) were 11 (players), we (Arse) would still go and win (win the football match).

Or, in plain English, he is saying that even if City had 15 players, against Arsenal's 11 players, Arsenal would have won.

He is wrong, and arrogant to suggest as such. The truth is that 0-3 really flatters Arsenal and for much of the game, even with 10 men City were the better side. Had eleven blue shirts remained on the field for the full game I believe we'd have won comfortably, as in the previous couple of seasons.

It is arrogance of the highest order to suggest we City supporters are incapable of reading and understanding a players comments. Money has nothing to do with our reaction, we just think Cesc is wrong and arrogant.
How arrogant can you get? if we had 15 we'd probably line up like this:

Hart ............. Given


AJ ...........Yaya.....De Jong......Milner..........Silva


I'd be confident of nicking a win with those players
C1TY4LIFE said:
high ambitious club with money in the bank,

Does it not worry you though what could happen to the club if the owner pulls out? Its not Citys money, its the owners and if he leaves how will you pay for everything you have now? This honestly is not a wum just that it must be a worry as the plug could be pulled at any minute and then its not just a case of similar to Leeds and being relegated but the whole future of the club as a whole.
Fabregas is embarrassing , and has always been a clown ......

Arshavins words sum the game up from their point of view much better , and
much fairer too.
Fabianski said:
C1TY4LIFE said:
high ambitious club with money in the bank,

Does it not worry you though what could happen to the club if the owner pulls out? Its not Citys money, its the owners and if he leaves how will you pay for everything you have now? This honestly is not a wum just that it must be a worry as the plug could be pulled at any minute and then its not just a case of similar to Leeds and being relegated but the whole future of the club as a whole.

Wishful thinking by you I'm afraid. Do some reading on what has been done behind the scenes and what the future plans are, we've hardly started.

Anyway, if it happened, we'd sell our best players and still be better off than before the takeover. No debt has been placed onto the club.
the talisman said:
Fabianski said:
Does it not worry you though what could happen to the club if the owner pulls out? Its not Citys money, its the owners and if he leaves how will you pay for everything you have now? This honestly is not a wum just that it must be a worry as the plug could be pulled at any minute and then its not just a case of similar to Leeds and being relegated but the whole future of the club as a whole.

Wishful thinking by you I'm afraid. Do some reading on what has been done behind the scenes and what the future plans are, we've hardly started.

Anyway, if it happened, we'd sell our best players and still be better off than before the takeover. No debt has been placed onto the club.

Whats been set up? I havnt heard about it before so I wouldnt know so if you could lemme know I would be very greatful
The best part of the game for me was when Nige fairly tackled Cesc and he was rolling around for minutes. Cesc gets revenge with a deliberate foul when Nige is breaking on a lethal counter attack. Then Nige just gets up like nothing happened. Must have hurt his ego that.

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