Fabregas :-"Even if they had 15 "

why do you guys hate so many teams? you hate Arsenal, you hate Man United, you hate Spurs, you hate Liverpool you hate Everton, why?
Spurs fan in peace said:
why do you guys hate so many teams? you hate Arsenal, you hate Man United, you hate Spurs, you hate Liverpool you hate Everton, why?

Other than Arsenal coz we are great :) what is there not to hate about the teams you listed?
Spurs fan in peace said:
why do you guys hate so many teams? you hate Arsenal, you hate Man United, you hate Spurs, you hate Liverpool you hate Everton, why?

lol thats not hard to figure out

i only hate scum,spurs,everton

so i take it you like all clubs? there's not one club (except arse) that you hate?
Spurs fan in peace said:
why do you guys hate so many teams? you hate Arsenal, you hate Man United, you hate Spurs, you hate Liverpool you hate Everton, why?

Unfortunately mate we`ve had the nobhead element from those clubs coming on in droves since the takeover, stands to reason we give a bit of something back.
jus2nang (gooner) said:
Oh please. Watch and listen to the interview.

You can tell he meant "we would play to win". But no, people are too quick to start a hate campaign for no reason. Remember that English is not his 1st language.

Watch the interview properly.

I guess you think that when Drogba said "sometimes I dive, sometimes I don't dive"

what he really meant was

"Sometimes I get fouled, sometimes I don't"

After all his 1st language isn't English.
lee-mcfc said:
Spurs fan in peace said:
why do you guys hate so many teams? you hate Arsenal, you hate Man United, you hate Spurs, you hate Liverpool you hate Everton, why?

lol thats not hard to figure out

i only hate scum,spurs,everton

so i take it you like all clubs? there's not one club (except arse) that you hate?

I understand the United one but it baffles me a bit why you hate Spurs and Everton esp considering just like you we live in our neighbours shadows. I hate the Arse and United the Arse for obvious reasons and United cause they always court our players but I certainly dont hate City or Everton etc etc
you only have to look at the episode with brian horton to see what kind of a prick fabregas is, marching on the pitch in his jeans and leather jacket, who the fuck does he think he is.

he has talent in spades, and absolutely no class.
Fabianski said:
malg said:
I know what you're saying, but it's worth the ride. We've had decades of doing fuck all, and being everyone's favourite under achiever - so it's nice to be where we are, regardless of who the investor is. I've no doubt that if you were being honest with yourself you'd love to see Wenger given £250m to spend on your team, that's not me being arrogant, just a statement of fact (well, what I believe to be fact).

I wouldnt want him to spend it, honestly I really wouldnt and thats because I think all this big money ruins whats special about the game. Thats not a pop at city spending all this money, they had no choice, they just played the game that was already in place. This goes way back, god knows how far back but its gone way too far now with Rooney on 250k a week its stupid, a transfer cap and a wage cap has to be brougth in as its us fans who end up paying the price with higher ticket prices and clubs going out of business or fighting for there lives.

What constitutes "big money?" Can you give us your made up arbitrary figure please. All I can say is that when you were shelling out 17 million on the likes of Reyes, we spent less than 8 million quid on 7 players. I don't remember Arsenal fans whinging about big money that season, funnily enough. Plus it is ok to not spend big money when you have spent years trawling around the world taking very talented kids from other clubs' youth systems.

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