Fabregas :-"Even if they had 15 "

Fabianski said:
C1TY4LIFE said:
high ambitious club with money in the bank,

Does it not worry you though what could happen to the club if the owner pulls out? Its not Citys money, its the owners and if he leaves how will you pay for everything you have now? This honestly is not a wum just that it must be a worry as the plug could be pulled at any minute and then its not just a case of similar to Leeds and being relegated but the whole future of the club as a whole.
I know what you're saying, but it's worth the ride. We've had decades of doing fuck all, and being everyone's favourite under achiever - so it's nice to be where we are, regardless of who the investor is. I've no doubt that if you were being honest with yourself you'd love to see Wenger given £250m to spend on your team, that's not me being arrogant, just a statement of fact (well, what I believe to be fact).
malg said:
Fabianski said:
Does it not worry you though what could happen to the club if the owner pulls out? Its not Citys money, its the owners and if he leaves how will you pay for everything you have now? This honestly is not a wum just that it must be a worry as the plug could be pulled at any minute and then its not just a case of similar to Leeds and being relegated but the whole future of the club as a whole.
I know what you're saying, but it's worth the ride. We've had decades of doing fuck all, and being everyone's favourite under achiever - so it's nice to be where we are, regardless of who the investor is. I've no doubt that if you were being honest with yourself you'd love to see Wenger given £250m to spend on your team, that's not me being arrogant, just a statement of fact (well, what I believe to be fact).

I wouldnt want him to spend it, honestly I really wouldnt and thats because I think all this big money ruins whats special about the game. Thats not a pop at city spending all this money, they had no choice, they just played the game that was already in place. This goes way back, god knows how far back but its gone way too far now with Rooney on 250k a week its stupid, a transfer cap and a wage cap has to be brougth in as its us fans who end up paying the price with higher ticket prices and clubs going out of business or fighting for there lives.
Fabianski said:
the talisman said:
Wishful thinking by you I'm afraid. Do some reading on what has been done behind the scenes and what the future plans are, we've hardly started.

Anyway, if it happened, we'd sell our best players and still be better off than before the takeover. No debt has been placed onto the club.

Whats been set up? I havnt heard about it before so I wouldnt know so if you could lemme know I would be very greatful

Where to start? There's been lot's of improvements behind the scenes, not just personnel but investment in the training, medical and admin areas, a huge increase in the number and quality of commercial sponsorship deals to move towards complying with the FFP rules, and there are plans for the area around the ground that will transform the area.

It's late here and I'm certainly no expert, there's a thread on here somewhere about the plans for the ground, it's about 900 pages long or something!

I'm confident our owner is here for the long haul, good times ahead for us blues ;-)
the talisman said:
Fabianski said:
Whats been set up? I havnt heard about it before so I wouldnt know so if you could lemme know I would be very greatful

Where to start? There's been lot's of improvements behind the scenes, not just personnel but investment in the training, medical and admin areas, a huge increase in the number and quality of commercial sponsorship deals to move towards complying with the FFP rules, and there are plans for the area around the ground that will transform the area.

It's late here and I'm certainly no expert, there's a thread on here somewhere about the plans for the ground, it's about 900 pages long or something!

I'm confident our owner is here for the long haul, good times ahead for us blues ;-)

Is it a different model to Chelsea? From what I can gather there all the money he has put into the club he has turned into loans and so thus wants its back from the club some day? I could be wrong on that but im sure thats what was being said.
Oh please. Watch and listen to the interview.

You can tell he meant "we would play to win". But no, people are too quick to start a hate campaign for no reason. Remember that English is not his 1st language.

Watch the interview properly.
jus2nang (gooner) said:
Oh please. Watch and listen to the interview.

You can tell he meant "we would play to win". But no, people are too quick to start a hate campaign for no reason. Remember that English is not his 1st language.

Watch the interview properly.

don't need to mate, all i know is he doesn't need to wave an imaginary card
at the ref to know hes a twat, no english required there.
pretty simple really
Fabianski said:
the talisman said:
Where to start? There's been lot's of improvements behind the scenes, not just personnel but investment in the training, medical and admin areas, a huge increase in the number and quality of commercial sponsorship deals to move towards complying with the FFP rules, and there are plans for the area around the ground that will transform the area.

It's late here and I'm certainly no expert, there's a thread on here somewhere about the plans for the ground, it's about 900 pages long or something!

I'm confident our owner is here for the long haul, good times ahead for us blues ;-)

Is it a different model to Chelsea? From what I can gather there all the money he has put into the club he has turned into loans and so thus wants its back from the club some day? I could be wrong on that but im sure thats what was being said.

All his money has been put into the club in the form of equity, if (not gonna happen) he walked tomorrow we would be debt-free, I believe Chelsea would owe Abramovich if he left, not 100% sure though.
The whole interview isn't anywhere near as bad as being reported in the headlines, but facts dont sell papers do they.
He seemed to referring to the mentality that they wouldn't aim to play for a draw and to always look to attack even if the other team had 15 players.
Hopefully we will get to test his theroy at the emitrates if they are reduced in numbers.

The card waving and rolling round like the sniper in the third tier of the colin bell stand had shot him were bang out order though.
Big headed sod. He was up there in a list of admired Pros in the premiership in my mind. Very rarely in my life have I ever wanted a player to be hurt in a match. And I say this with some sense of guilt. But after I witnessed his despicable behaviour when Moving towards, intimidating and harassing Clattenburg,and gesticulating and simulating the red to influence the Boyata sending off. I was genuinely hoping the De Jong tackle had answered my wish.I'll have to settle for what goes round comes round.

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