oooh pardon my ignorance I got the information
from the official UAE Government website
as I said UAE
NOT Abu Dhabi
He is listed under the “Key Members of Government” of which he a member of the cabinet
Seems to me that his position is more than just titular
If you look deeply into this, the cabinet's mandate is to carry out the policies of the Supreme Council, which is the effective gov of UAE. (Mansour is not a member of the S.C.)
The cabinet has no formal policy making, political or legislative power. It can, however, make suggestions which go to a federal council, then to the President and then to the Supreme Council, if any of it survives.
The ministers are there to manage their departments and are akin to a civil service. The Emirates constitution is multi layered and complex. The various bodies have to balance tribe, family, individual emirates. Most of all, a concept of seniority and honour prevails. The President makes all the appointments.
I doubt if Mansour has any choice whether he is minister of Presidential affairs or not. The OP's suggestion that his role means he approves of the policies is doubtful. We don't know what he thinks, as he makes no public statements on the matter. As for opposition, he could get a majority of His Excellencies together and stage a palace coup, but don't hold your breath! Opposition to the boss is not tolerated in arab society.
Neither UAE nor AD are democracies and there are policies of which we don't approve, but we must be careful not to give ammunition to those who parrot the state owned myth or worse the filthy oil crap.
I prefer to look at the policies followed by City as a guide to Mansour's view:
The women's team relaunched and supported financially,
The employment policies which meant we became the first football club to be officially dubbed gay friendly employer,
The support for Canal Street Blues,
The huge increase in City in the Community and other social programs,
The response to Covid 19
Etc etc.