Fans leaving early.

bluemoon risin' said:
de niro said:
I stay till the end for one reason only, not traffic or the hope of seeing more goals but to simply show the players some appreciation for the effort they had put in that game. win or lose.
Well said De Niro. This is mainly why I started the thread. Yes, as others have said, other clubs fans leave early, need to leave to beat the traffic etc, and that we are not the only fans to leave early. I kind of agree, but I have been watching us many years to see football this good, so I personally see no reason to want to leave early.

The ones that leave early for no particular reason, offering crap excuses because it's no one elses business, are probably responsible for the lack of atmosphere as well.

Hahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.YCNMIU !!!! But you fucking did.Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
bluemoon risin' said:
The ones that leave early for no particular reason, offering crap excuses because it's no one elses business, are probably responsible for the lack of atmosphere as well.
You see, I don't like this kind of stuff. I like to go to games to watch the game. Some people like to go to games to sing songs. Some spend the entire game getting angry at the away fans. Everybody's match day experience is totally different depending on which part of the ground you're in and what you choose to do.

I stay to the end of every game because I live a short walk from the Etihad and don't have to rush ahead of the traffic. Even when I lived in Stockport I still stayed in my seat until the end because I couldn't face leaving. But the point is that I stay until the very end but still contribute absolutely nothing to the atmosphere because I don't choose to. Atmosphere isn't a thing that bothers me because I care about what happens on the pitch, and frankly the players we have out there are good enough to win games regardless of whether people sing or not. I've always said that teams only need a 12th man if the 11 on the pitch aren't good enough.

But to lump early leavers in with the people who don't contribute to atmosphere is unfair. Your theory is entirely baseless. But that doesn't matter because you've lit the torch paper and now you're sat back, waiting for the bandwagoners to latch onto your comment and deride early leavers further. Sort of like that guy in the Jovetic thread who posted a picture of someone who looks nothing like Jovetic, but just says it is and watches the crowds run riot. This is totally unfair. You're not a bigger blue and you're not a better blue than those who leave early just because you care about the atmosphere in our stadium.

Frankly, I don't see why this debate was even started. Nobody is going to move from their position on this topic and that's that. People are going to spend their money on City, go to the game, watch it however they like, leave when they see fit and that'll be that. I understand it's a public forum and what are forums without discussion etc. but there isn't even a moral issue that needs tackling here. It's not as if someone's defending rape, or advocating the whipping of black people in the street, they're just leaving a football stadium 5 minutes before everyone else so they can beat the traffic.

Is that really something to get angry about, no matter how much you care?
bluemoon risin' said:
The ones that leave early for no particular reason, offering crap excuses because it's no one elses business, are probably responsible for the lack of atmosphere as well.
Unbelievable,just when you thought some folk couldn't talk any more bollocks,up pops this one
As I've said earlier in the thread mate if you've a problem with folk leaving early pull them up as they past you,tell them it's bothering you and effecting your life,see what response you get
Love the fact some of you think the players notice/give a shit if you stay until the end.
oakiecokie said:
bluemoon risin' said:
de niro said:
I stay till the end for one reason only, not traffic or the hope of seeing more goals but to simply show the players some appreciation for the effort they had put in that game. win or lose.
Well said De Niro. This is mainly why I started the thread. Yes, as others have said, other clubs fans leave early, need to leave to beat the traffic etc, and that we are not the only fans to leave early. I kind of agree, but I have been watching us many years to see football this good, so I personally see no reason to want to leave early.

The ones that leave early for no particular reason, offering crap excuses because it's no one elses business, are probably responsible for the lack of atmosphere as well.

Hahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.YCNMIU !!!! But you fucking did.Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
He has a point. The atmosphere is usually at it's best in the last two minutes when everyone left in the ground starts singing because we're usually winning and it's that bit of appreciation shown to the players for a good effort.
oakiecokie said:
Thenumber1blue said:
So ,what's the conclusion of this thread ?

Should have been thrown in the fucking bin nearly 70 pages ago.Mark my words this same fucking topic will crop up again in the not to distant future,but I would hope it dies a slow death,a bit like our Silent Neighbours from yonder.

All it will take is for the early leavers to admit that they are not very loyal Blues. The the route is open for them to petition the Club for 60 minute season tickets. The price would be the same but with the option of the fans reserving seats on the 4.35 tram from the Etihad to town

For a further £100 per year, the early leavers could take advantage of the collaboration City have struck with the X Factor when they get home and see their names on the opening credits.

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