Feeling flat?

I get 115 can be draining…it’s supposed to be.

What goes on in your head is up to you though.

When it comes my way I thank god for 115. It was something that galvanised the whole club and fan base to win the treble and without it I’m certain we wouldn’t have got it.

Siege mentality is as thing and our team has learned to thrive off it. Our fan base is well capable of doing the same. We don’t need continual validation from our rivals…that would be weird. Of course 115 comes from jealousy.

I don’t think we did cheat but you know what? Controversial opinion coming up….I don’t care if we did!
I tend to agree. I believe the cheating is in the rules.......set out to prevent competition. Plus there are far worse things that have happened in football. It's not like we've murdered anyone. The dippers will always be known as murderers; I'm not too worried about our label in comparison.
It's not background noise tho is it,it's full on relentless,100 decibel in our faces fucking noise.
Can only hope a conclusion in our favour gives us the opportunity to shut the fuckers up for good,still seems a long way off tho.
It’s people online using the word cheats or 115 in every sentence they ask. Laugh at it and then look at our trophies.
Gutted we didn't perform to our usual standard on Saturday, but we have just won four in a row. The issue with the charges should be resolved within the next 12 months although we will be seen as guilty by many, regardless of the outcome.After last year, I really didn't think we would win it this season I have been amazed by the fact that we have.
We are all knackered, but I certainly don't feel flat. Don't let jealousy of rivals stop your enjoyment of our magnificent achievements, if you do, they win.
Up the blues.
Losing to the worst 'nited side in living memory.
Their new emboldenment.
The 115 being relentlessly cranked up.
The Pep contract situation.
Players reportedly leaving.

Thanks - but increasingly difficult to remain buoyant.
What a difference a shit week makes.
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I get 115 can be draining…it’s supposed to be.

What goes on in your head is up to you though.

When it comes my way I thank god for 115. It was something that galvanised the whole club and fan base to win the treble and without it I’m certain we wouldn’t have got it.

Siege mentality is as thing and our team has learned to thrive off it. Our fan base is well capable of doing the same. We don’t need continual validation from our rivals…that would be weird. Of course 115 comes from jealousy.

I don’t think we did cheat but you know what? Controversial opinion coming up….I don’t care if we did!

Own 115
I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if we did cook the books a bit years ago. I couldn’t really give a shit if we did either as the rules were bent to start with as we all know. Just like Newcastle are finding out now. It’s disgraceful how they can’t spend their own money.

Was gutted about Saturday. Glad i went the parade though. It helped give me some perspective of what the team and manager have achieved over the last few years. Glad of a break now but sure we’ll all be excited again come August as we look to go for 5 in a row and another decent shot at the champions league.
Anyone else feeling abit flat, a bit knackered ?

So proud of this club and team and I really didn't expect us to be so good this season after the treble. So what an unbelievable mental strength the team has.

To go on the run City have done I found myself getting knackered after each game, even from my sofa !.
I went to Brighton away and put so much effort into support the blues my throat hurt for days.

But now the season has ended and I feel bit flat. I guess that's normal after reaching your target of 4 in a row.

For some reason I'm finding all this 115 shit very draining at the moment. City have done something that's never been done before yet all I hear is 115.

I'm fed up to the back teeth of this 115 fuck me other clubs cheat in clear site and nothing is done. Dippers 50million fiddle, rags well fucking rags.

Just a rant I feel so proud But little flat ;(
It's all relative. We have achieved so much that any sort of failure is magnified more. For much of my life I'd have sold my family for a Premier League title, yet now we just expect it. Part of true success is remaining hungry and not expectant. We can learn so much from those trophies we haven't won this season. The rest of the noise coming from outside the club, that's part and parcel of being successful, jealousy is a motherfucker

I'm looking forward to the summer because of the extraordinary achievements of the team and club.

Additionally the bond twixt fans and players was strengthened by the tremendous turn out at the Champions Parade.

Next season maybe a huge challenge, however with a freshening up of the squad and smart Prioritisation of challenges, we will remain the team to beat.

Finally, the rags opted out of the FA Cup some years back. I hope the club withdraw from the charity shield on the basis of the interests of player health.

We played the most games of any club in the last season and will have the most players at international tournaments this summer.

Fuck the FA and their debts, what have they ever done for us !!
Losing to the worst nited side in living memory.
Their new embolenment.
The 115 being relentlessly cranked up.
The Pep contract situation.
Players reportedly leaving.

Thanks - but increasingly difficult to remain buoyant.
What a difference a shit week makes.
A shit week versus 10 years of success? First World problems. Everyone would swap with us.
Not really.

I obviously would have loved us to win the double and was disappointed with our performance in that final, especially with the opposition being who they are, but I look at the last two seasons as a bit of a package. 2 league titles, champions league, FA Cup, Super Cup, World Club Cup, all in two seasons is phenomenal and a monumental effort, especially grinding out the league this season after all that.

So I'm certainly not dwelling on the FA Cup final. It was a flat day among many great ones, its normal in sport.

I just look forward to next season, I see it as a bit of a reset in a way. There was always going to be a bit of a drop off in domination after winning a treble, that's why I tie the last two seasons together because I think one really effects the other more than usual.

Now I think theres a bit of breathing space to refocus, get some fresh quality in and start dominating again.

nothing to feel flat about, we're the best team in the country, still really the best in the world in my opinion. Football history shows it may not last forever, so enjoy it.

As for 115 blah blah, it'll be what it'll be in terms of the case. I couldn't care less how many times a bunch of shitkickers in the media or fans of other clubs bring it up before then.

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