Ferguson **Confirmed Retired** (merged)

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Re: Slurgie **Confirmed Retired** (merged)

How come everyone is now believing what they are hearing from sources that are scoffed on here
Re: Slurgie **Confirmed Retired** (merged)

Can you seriously see Mourinho going there I cannot!!

Mourinho likes to go to a club to have an impact and make a difference, he is highly unlikely to ever supercede Fergiscum is he?

Chelseas a no no for me for him too - can you see him rubbing along with Abramovich?

I would think Mourinho would be more likely to go to Arsenal where he can take a trophy and become the darling of the fans.

We shall see!!
Re: Slurgie **Confirmed Retired** (merged)

Re: Slurgie **Confirmed Retired** (merged)

blumoon said:
Classic Paddy Crerand this morning..........There is no truth that Fergie is retiring PMSL :-)

<a class="postlink" href="http://balls.ie/second-stories/paddy-crerand-was-in-complete-denial-that-alex-ferguson-was-retiring/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://balls.ie/second-stories/paddy-cr ... -retiring/</a>

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE .. You have to listen to this prick. Its Radio Gold

Deserves a thread of its own.
Re: Why couldn't Fergie

pissedagain said:
fergiscum is still a crafty twat, he knows that the team he has there is crap and that city handed him the league on a plate, he knew months ago that he was having a hip operation but was willing to soldier on, i dont give a fuck who they get in, that trafford team is crap and the new guy will not have any money to spend, whilst we on the other hand we will be going from strength to strength (oh and i expect the sunday supplement to be a fergiscum special this week), dont watch, you have been warned, still the crafty twat will sit in the stand all smug when he hears them all saying that it has fallen apart because he has stepped down, when in reality, the new guy wont stand a chance with shit players and no money to spend

honestly, a crap team doesn't piss the league
Re: Slurgie **Confirmed Retired** (merged)

Pigeonho said:
Guy, (sounded about 18), interviewed outside OT then by Dom McGuinness. Clearly crying and said 'my boss has sent me home'.


PMSL, these are getting better and better!
Re: Slurgie **Confirmed Retired** (merged)

the goats backside said:
How come everyone is now believing what they are hearing from sources that are scoffed on here

It's on United's website.
Re: Slurgie **Confirmed Retired** (merged)

I can't open a sports website withiut seeing at least 10 topics about him. F.cking hate that. I know it's to be expected but it's just annoying as hell!
Re: Slurgie **Confirmed Retired** (merged)

I for one ain't happy hes going; I wanted that obnoxious tw@t to have to sit through the next 5 years at least to see City systematically devaluing everything he's achieved. That is if you call 2 CL Trophies in 27 years an achievement (note he would have been sacked in Italy or Spain for such a crap return on the Billions hes had at his disposal to land the CL) as will Bobby if we dont at least hit semi if not finals in next two years (or Bobby's successor)
Re: Slurgie **Confirmed Retired** (merged)

I've put as my Facebook status "I think Fergie has heard who we're signing in the transfer window. RIP." I'm getting attacked, they all think I mean RIP Fergie. Bunch of babies.
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