Foreign Fans

I've only been a true football fan since 1994 (WC here in the states). I became a devoted fan of the game during Euro96 and became a wild supporter of the English game and EPL following that England team. I decided to support whatever team McManaman played for, which unfortunately meant Liverpool even though I had no real way to see any of their matches. It was a poor choice and solely based on Macca and the Kop Choir... I didn't know anything. Luckily, McManaman only played there for a few years and I lost interest even though I claimed support until Euro 2000. I then read a report that Liverpool was "the most segregated city on the UK" which was the final straw. I was done and needed a new team.

I slowly started to follow City based on the Manchester music scene and knew that I could never get behind United... and then Macca AND Claudio Reyna joined up and I was sold! Even though McManaman was never the same (SWP totally outplayed him) City was now my team. I've been a diehard now for six years (which hasn't been easy), and will never go back.

Please don't hold my few vacant years in scouse red against me. I was a lost young American on my own. I finally got it right.

Now, I think I'm the only dude walking around Arizona in sky blue.
I live in Sweden, ut I'm half English half Irish, so that's not too foreign, right? :P

I come from Reading (By Oxford). My Grandad on my mum's side is Irish (So technically not HALF Irish but who gives?). My nan is from Manchester. In fact, she used to wash the cars of the City players when she was little in the 60's, which is why she became a City fan (She lived a few roads away from Maine Road and went to Wally Range school or summat). All 5 of her children were born in either Wigan, the center of Manchester or Birkenhead, so 1 of them became a LPL fan and the rest of them stayed City apart form my mum who hates football.

I've never known my dad, he was given a court order to stay away from me and my mum when I was 1, so the only family I've known is my mums half of the family. One of my uncles was only 15 when I was born (He was the youngest of the five) so he was pretty much my father figure for all of my childhood. It's from him that I got my passion for both City and Oasis. even though everyone lives in Reading, him and another uncle used to take me to City games all the time (Idk which stand or that it is cause 'm shit at that crap, but it was the long side opposite the commentary box, the highest row on the right of the middle. Upper tier.)

I guess that's kinda it :)
I didnt choose to support City.

City chose me. It was unevitable and I still damn fate every time we lose. You cant move to Manchester as a neutral fan and not be drawn to City. Its too easy to go buy a Red top and join in with the sheep who never go.
i became a city fan at the age of around 5 and after a few visits to maine road it got me hooked, + my dad is a big fan and we are from manchester
Ducado said:
What a heart warming thread this is, I welcome (and I am sure that nearly all City fans ) people from wherever they are from, I bet they have all had a lot of stick for it over the years.

As for the Dutch they gave us the poster called Ikenblue who could ask for much more ;-)

this, every single word!
Im from a small town south east of Sheffield, I started following City aged 4 1977., because my mum supported them. Neither of us had a direct connection to Manchester.

In some ways its harder supporting a club like City when you are a good way from Manchester. In my school, there were maybe 1000 kids...maybe 100 supported United, 80 Liverpool, Then you'd get a sprinkling of others...Sheffield Wednesday, Notts Forest, Tottenham...but to my knowledge I was the only City fan there. This was the mid-late eighties, not a glory period for us, so it was hard. I got lot of bullying, often City related. But I knew I loved City and that one day we'd make it. Maybe that day is finally coming.
Was great reading all the differant stories from everyone.
I say welcome anybody who is a true blue,any colour creed or nationality!!!
Keep the stories coming :)
What a great thread refreshingly positive ,im manchester born and bred been city all my life ,a few years ago i went to houston texas just for a couple of weeks had my shirt on constantly visited loads of sports type bars and the amount of texans that gave me respect was unbelievable ,ya see city has always been a world wide brand come on let the class travel..........great thread and a pleasure to read all the a couple....

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