Funniest thing you have heard at a match

to Abonglahor "Gabby you're shit, you've got the same name as my missus and she's shit so you're shit" His mate then shouts "yeah i know she's shit too!"
i remember in 06 i think in the north stand

evrey time someone stood up an waled up the steps a group of pissed lads kept singing

"There only one weak bladder, one weak bladder"
At sunderland away this season during the first half it had gone really quiet and out of nowhere this bloke jumps out of his row into the steps and starts singing 'are you jesus in disguise?' at this steward with long hair and a beard haha everyone pissed themselves

'If your watching on the telly your a cnut' when the attendance against leicester was announced was pretty good aswell.
Tom_mcfc said:
Sat in my mates seat last season, an old guy who was hillarious shouting random shite throught the game at one point he goes " wing it fcuking wing it" the ball then went infield and the man shouted "you should have fcuking wung it" to which his son said calm down dad, and what the fuck is a wung??

haha made me chuckle for ages
The little coloured ball boy just infront of the singing section/away fans (block 111).

The ball came over to him and all the fans around the area sang Shauny Wright, Wright, Wright!

Was hilarious at the time.

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