Funniest thing you have heard at a match

Prestwich_Blue said:
Back in the North Stand in the 70's when we were playing on a dull October (IIRC) afternoon. Game was as dull as the weather (might have been Everton or Birmingham, which were always bad) and half-way through the second half it started getting misty.

There was a little lad with his dad who always sat behind us and the dad was a bit of a wit. Lad comes out with "Dad, dad, it's getting foggy." Dad replies "Yes son. It's so God doesn't have to watch this bloody rubbish." Whole of P block falls about laughing,

PMSL at that one ...
I can't remember the exact year but we were away at stoke on the last day of season hoping for a miracle.

Leading 2-5 we all started singing

Are you watching?
Are you watching?
Are you watching Macclesfield?

We were relegated and they were promoted.
Was in the north stand tonight. Aris's number 2 (the one who falls over if you say boo) got in our box in the first few mins but was getting closed down by Kolorov. Bloke in front of me, without even a hint of humour (more annoyance i'd say)

" Get Fuckin into him, He's got a perm for fucks sake"

Glad he wasnt fuckin ginger !
Cant actually remember what game but it was this season, i was in the toilets having a cig and i heard some daft twat say how we should bring Ballotelli off for Jo if we want to score :| lmao
at the abandoned ipswich match all those years ago, the ref deliberately waited until we thought we were about to win before he decided that the pitch was unplayable. as the teams walked off the pitch the kippax burst in to a chant of "the referee's a wanker, the referee's a wanker......"

my mate's dad joined in just as everybody else stopped. as he started to shout he realised that he was on his own. his voice was booming but he couldn't back out now. he hastily changed it to "the referee's a fucking cnut as well."

i can still picture him scanning round to check if anyone else had noticed what he'd done.
The Mancunian Way said:
against West Ham a couple of seasons ago in the FA cup at home we got tickets by the away dugout.

Carlton Cole was warming up so me and my mates shout 'oi cole, your shitter then titus bramble'. he turned and replied 'you cant say that cos we play in different positions'

Was VERY funny but then a guy infront just shouts out, he not titus bramble, hes his cousin slack arse bramble.

We fell about laughing all match.

At Stoke away this year when it was pissing it down, absolutely freezing and my eyesight line was on line with the crossbar meaning I couldn't see the other half and had to watch the TV screen in the corner

Everyone is singing 'I wanna go home, I wanna go home, Stoke is a shithole, I wanna go home'. Soon the chant dies out but this one guy about two seats to the side of me carries on singing ' I wanna go home, I wanna go home, I can't see a fucking thing, I wanna go home'. It pretty much summed up how everyone around us felt
Sheffield United away, boxing day about 5/6 years ago. Second half Paddy Kenny was in goal in front of us, it had also been leaked a few days earlier that his wife had been shagging his best mate. He got it good and proper! 'if you've had Kennys wife clap your hands', 'kenny, wheres ya wife?' etc. He even turned around and smiled at us after a bit. Ireland scored an awesome goal in the 89th of a shit game.

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