Gabriel Jesus joins Arsenal

Like Raheem ‘I was fyoomin’ Sterling n’all who was bobbins for two years yet had the hump about not being picked. Or Zinchenko who was acting like a right knob on a couple of occasions against us, like he was in a mood with us.

What a mard arse… and a bit thick too.

Gabi, you had scored just one goal in the previous two months before that game. Maybe, just maybe - you cry baby - Pep did that to wind you up and bring out a response in you?

And did it work?!

(Not that he’s reading this, haha)

It’s surprising really how much of a lack of self awareness some of these lads have. Even after that night, he didn’t exactly think ‘I’ll earn my place at this club’ because he only scored one goal after that Paris game in November (one FA Cup goal against Swindon in the January) until April.

People call Leroy Sané for being sulky but he’s been respectful of City and Pep since he left. He even goes down the CFA sometimes when he’s back in Manchester (he still lives here a few days a week as his missus and kids stayed in Manchester and didn’t move to Munich) to spend time with the City lads.

At least Franny ‘showed us’ by just doing his talking on the pitch and smashing one in the top corner and running off celebrating.
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It must be hard not starting every game, I genuinely understand that as a top Pro you must believe you are good enough to always play but sometimes you just aren't cutting it and the rest of the team can't carry you just to make you happy, always thought he gave everything he could for us but there was just something lacking with him and don't think he will ever end up in that top calibre of strikers, he often played and looked totally pissed off, not sure if it was the eyebrows or he just puts himself under some sort of immense pressure when he plays but always thought he just needs to chill out a bit!
Already spoken on the subject, but having now seen the interview, it’s not good.

He clearly lacks the understanding, or simple football brain to understand, that he (a centre forward) was not being replaced by a left full back, but a decent midfielder who could defend, and who was Captain of his country.

When playing a false nine, you need midfielders who can exploit the space and pull the CBs around, but you also need a player who can stay and hold in midfield when he’s not the one exploiting the space.THAT is why Zinchenko was moved into a midfield position when Pep decided to play a false 9 instead of a centre forward!

Accordingly, he’s not crying because he got replaced by another player by as coach wanting to play a false 9 (like Messi!) but because it was Zinchenko…whom he has summarily thrown under the bus as not bring hood enough to keep Jesus out of the team!

He has named Zinchenko as a full back, knowing full well he plays in midfield for his country and became our first real “inverted full back” of note BECAUSE he could play there!

If I was Zin, I’d be pissed off to hear another player went to his room, called his Mummy, cried that I was put in the team ahead of him and then dismissed me out of hand as a “left back playing a false 9!” I might light him up a bit pre-season and let him think about it a bit!
Arsenal and all their players and fans are so insufferable. They’re like liverpool.
They’ve won fuck all and bottled literally everything, hope they fuck off back to obscurity where they belong, and Jesus can comfort himself

The more the clubs and fans act you can see why them, Liverpool and united all get on. 3 cheeks of the same fetid arse.
Pep is the master of doing something out of the blue. If you don't embrace it you end up sounding like a fanny.
Exhibit A up above.

Gabby was great for us but he could never get to the levels what pep wanted.

I don't want to badmouth him as he gave his all for us and he's entitled to feel hurt if he doesn't play. Every time I hear his name I just see this in my head..

View attachment 85589nough
Jesus was a great competitor, wonderful attitude but as a top striker, do me a favour, never good enough in a million years and Arsenal will have to do what we did and replace him if they want to win titles.

Jesus a great squad player but never a regular starter at elite level.
Like Raheem ‘I was fyoomin’ Sterling n’all who was bobbins for two years yet had the hump about not being picked. Or Zinchenko who was acting like a right knob on a couple of occasions against us, like he was in a mood with us.

What a mard arse… and a bit thick too.

Gabi, you had scored just one goal in the previous two months before that game. Maybe, just maybe - you cry baby - Pep did that to wind you up and bring out a response in you?

And did it work?!

(Not that he’s reading this, haha)

It’s surprising really how much of a lack of self awareness some of these lads have. Even after that night, he didn’t exactly think ‘I’ll earn my place at this club’ because he only scored one goal after that Paris game in November (one FA Cup goal against Swindon in the January) until April.

People call Leroy Sané for being sulky but he’s been respectful of City and Pep since he left. He even goes down the CFA sometimes when he’s back in Manchester (he still lives here a few days a week as his missus and kids stayed in Manchester and didn’t move to Munich) to spend time with the City lads.

At least Franny ‘showed us’ by just doing his talking on the pitch and smashing one in the top corner and running off celebrating.
I like Sane a lot. Always tweets good stuff about us. Not a peep out of Sterling and Jesus after we won the Champions League. Sterling not signing that fan's City shirt still pisses me off.
Jesus was a nice lad and a good footballer. Quite shy and lacked the confidence needed to be a season long, consistent player in a top team. Pep, I'm sure, would have worked hard to build his confidence but, had he stayed, he would have been 3rd choice behind Haaland and Alvarez who are both the right fit in terms of skills and character. The move was right for him and the club. Shame he has felt the need to whinge in the press but maybe he's been misquoted. Good luck to him.
He was having an honest discussion, and the not rights at City_Xtra have done a hatchet job on him.

We all know he left City to get more game time, that is what he said, and people are crying on here about it now who haven't even heard the discussion, due to an out of context stitched together tweet.

It shows that City_Xtra will do anything for clicks, and people retweet shite to try and get likes.

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