General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 228 59.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 10 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 32 8.3%
  • Reform

    Votes: 52 13.5%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 22 5.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 41 10.6%

  • Total voters
Social media wanted Clinton, Corbyn, Remain… It got none of them.

Starmer was very poor last night. I think if Boris had replaced Cameron and then Sunak had replaced Boris then the election would be far closer. The Tories only have themselves to blame with the absolute disaster that was Liz Truss.

Labour will form the next government. Starmer will last for a short period and then either Burnham or Khan will replace him.
Neither of whom are or will be MPs. Right....
And, what about Shitty Sunhat, is he a liability?
Completely. Objectively, though, he was nimbler in debate though he got sway with lying about tax.

As a Labour member, I want more from a leader like Starmer. I expect him to be able to rebutt Tory lies but he was like a rabbit in the headlights. He didn't call out Sunak's lies. I expect him to be clear on ideas and respecting differing views in his own party rather than purging longstanding MPs and members on the left. He has to be bigger and smarter and more inclusive than that.

He's performed poorly.

He's got to win over floating voters and failing to rebutt the £2000 tax lie will have lost voters.
I thought she wasn't in control, allowing Sunak to constantly talk over Starmer when it was his time to respond.
Starmer still has to be more assertive. He has to be stronger and get his word across rather than allowing the presenter to shut him down. He was pathetic.
Completely. Objectively, though, he was nimbler in debate though he got sway with lying about tax.

As a Labour member, I want more from a leader like Starmer. I expect him to be able to rebutt Tory lies but he was like a rabbit in the headlights. He didn't call out Sunak's lies. I expect him to be clear on ideas and respecting differing views in his own party rather than purging longstanding MPs and members on the left. He has to be bigger and smarter and more inclusive than that.

He's performed poorly.

He's got to win over floating voters and failing to rebutt the £2000 tax lie will have lost voters.
How can someone be nimbler in debate by lying? He peddled the 2k tax lie over a dozen times last night. That doesn't make him an agile, skilled debater; it showed him up as the lying bastard he is. To then shoehorn that racist, BNP wannabe into his closing remarks just made him look all the more desperate. I agree, Starmer can be uninspiring (what I'd give for Blair to be leading the vanguard) but he isn't a Tory; which at this stage is all that's needed.
Sunak says nothing of any substance. Im reassured that there is someone who understands the problems and has ideas about them. And acts like a statesman already. We need a change here, this boring little twat is agitating me, he is feeble

I watched it on catchup and in fairness after some wine and 4 Pisco sours but not sure Starmer rolling his eyes was particularly statesman like.

Others have said Sunak wouldn’t let Starmer answer. What is he 5 years old? use your voice man.

The £2k tax hike Starmer had no answer for - that was strange. It wasn’t until the charge had been levelled a few times he finally said it was rubbish or words to that effect but that’s going to stick.

I don’t think Starmer performed particularly well, I think he knows it, anyone being honest here knows it, but he’s so far ahead in the polls he didn’t say anything that was fatal. It’s not his forte this type of debating at the best of times but when you don’t even know your own position on anything it’s going to be hard to come across as convincing.

Sunak just went at it like a boxers chance. Nowt to lose and all that. Those who were going to vote Labour will still vote labour, those who were going to vote Tory will still vote Tory, the undecided may shift. I saw a poll this morning that said those who voted Tory last time out thought Sunak won it by a split of 85% to 15% - that will worry the Labour machine a little I suspect given they want to attract a number of those voters but I suspect they’ll be fairly happy the robot didn’t break down.
Quite telling to see a card carrying Labour member saying he felt Starmer did poorly. Regardless of individual politics, Blair or Cameron were leaders. Starmer is not.

Labour could field almost any MP in this election and win it comfortably.

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