General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 180 58.6%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 26 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 42 13.7%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 19 6.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 32 10.4%

  • Total voters
The most important thing is not the amount of taxes that we pay but where those taxes go. Currently I pay a lot of tax and it seemingly goes towards nothing because everything is broken.

If somebody argued that we could fix the entire country but I have to pay 10% more tax then yes sign me up. The current system where I pay almost as much and get absolutely nothing back doesn't work. The only benefit the Tories can offer is I might pay less tax which is great but it isn't great if even more gets broken.

The question for me is pretty clear. I don't want to waste my money sending migrants to Rwanda or changing equality laws because that makes no difference to me. I want our money to be spent on fixing the things that matter.
Nail on the head mate. I’m willing to pay a little more, as long as they also make sure others are paying their fair amount too, as long as I know they’ll fix it all.

I don’t want to pay less for it to stay the shitshow that it currently is.
I lasted ten mins , julia favoured sunak and he was like an hysterical midget just shouting over everybody , lying through his back teeth as has been proved today . The 45 sec answers limit was ridiculous

That's as good and succinct a review of it as I've seen so far.
Do you seriously believe that the vast majority of the population won't be paying higher taxes if Labour wants to implement their policies in full? Particularly if they do actually commit to balancing the current budget?

So far they've committed to non-doms, VAT on school fees - the revenue from which is highly uncertain - and a windfall tax which would replace one that's already in operation. If you add all of that up, even on optimistic estimates, your probably talking about less than GBP10bn per annum, and probably a fair bit less. Given that annual tax revenue is now 1 trillion, do you think that a less than 1% increase will suffice?

The vast majority of the population will be paying higher taxes full stop, whoever wins, because there is a massive and as yet unexplained black hole in the government finances that neither Conservatives nor Labour have even attempted to fill.

Either than or public services will be cut to even more unsustainable levels, which neither party is admitting to, or borrowing will increase significantly, which again neither party is admitting to.

If you think it's only Labour's figures on tax that don't add up, you might want to try taking your head out of your arse.
In any case the idea that Starmer allowed Sunak to make these claims as some sort of tactical defeat is frankly laughable. He's very wooden, not at all nimble and can't react when something comes back at him.
Just watching the BBC News who have pretty much just suggested exactly that by giving prominence to the Treasury letter. Whether it was an intentional ploy by Starmer or not is anybody’s guess but he has demonstrated quite regularly that he’s not an idiot and is quite ruthless so it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that he was happy to give Sunak enough rope to hang himself.
Just watching the BBC News who have pretty much just suggested exactly that by giving prominence to the Treasury letter. Whether it was an intentional ploy by Starmer or not is anybody’s guess but he has demonstrated quite regularly that he’s not an idiot and is quite ruthless so it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that he was happy to give Sunak enough rope to hang himself.

Given how it's being covered today, there were a few hours of "£2000 tax rise" and much of today of "£2000 Sunak lie".

Barring the most partisan of media.
Did Covid not happen?

Yes it did, as did Brexit.

The Tories’ reaction to Covid was shambolic, wasting billions of pounds and pouring it into the pockets of their mates. The economic damage done by pointless rules, locking up the young and economically active who were at negligible risk, ruining the education and early years of our kids is a scandal which we will be feeling the impact of for many, many years and so they don’t get to use that as an excuse I’m afraid. They were all choices they made and they all knew it wasn’t necessary because they were quite happy to have parties themselves. Fwiw Labour were really bad too with their constant demand for more lockdowns and don’t get a free pass either.

Brexit has been an utter economic disaster as anyone sane knew it would be and the Tories absolutely should take responsibility for that - yet funnily enough they’re very quiet about Brexit.
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