General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 237 59.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 11 2.8%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 32 8.0%
  • Reform

    Votes: 56 14.0%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 22 5.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 42 10.5%

  • Total voters
There was another Conversation councillor in the crowd asking questions apparently. You just could make this shit up. It's like a real life version of The Thick Of It
Think back to the Blair and Brown governments they were Labour governments, we had a stongish economy and public services that worked all of that has been destroyed by the Tories, like it took Blair and Brown a while to get things moving after the destruction of Thatcher and Major, it will take a new Labour government time to reverse some of the damage , I perfectly understand them not leading with their chins coming into an election, they need the centre ground and that is not the ground for a radical manifesto (as is proven time and time again) what will happen is the slow ramping up of public spending of course there will be easy wins like recruiting more Police Officers and more Border Force workers (the only thing that's needed to stop the boats) stuff like increasing bed numbers in the NHS gets people off trollies in corridors, increasing Local authority spending on the elderly and the vulnerable keeps them from turning up at A & E.

Thern there are some big ticket items that will require long term thinking, we are generally a happier and more united country under Labour

One mistake that people make is thinking they are going to get everything they want from one Party or another that's never going to happen you have to look at the direction they are pointing in, do we want this Country with an American system of wealth disparity and healthcare or more a european style system

Buy to let mortgages surged under this Blair/Brown New Labour though, house prices increased hugely, and along with a failure to build social housing we all suffered as a result from this.

There's numerous other things (and that's completely ignoring the foreign policy that he is so well known for) but for some reason a lot of people romanticise the New Labour days.
Buy to let mortgages surged under this Blair/Brown New Labour though, house prices increased hugely, and along with a failure to build social housing we all suffered as a result from this.

There's numerous other things (and that's completely ignoring the foreign policy that he is so well known for) but for some reason a lot of people romanticise the New Labour days.
Not me, they did not get everything right, but the this country was a far better place than it is now
Buy to let mortgages surged under this Blair/Brown New Labour though, house prices increased hugely, and along with a failure to build social housing we all suffered as a result from this.

There's numerous other things (and that's completely ignoring the foreign policy that he is so well known for) but for some reason a lot of people romanticise the New Labour days.
Of course they do because for all and any faults of the New Labour government they were far away better than the last ,8 years at least, of this tory government.
Labour will likely steady the ship and get this country back on its feet

the problem is how loud the right wing farage loving twats will be, they will be unbearable about every single issue.
They’d hold no influence over a Labour government though.

No but they will in the media/social media and they're going to be hysterical over everything. would like to say they can be laughed off but we're turning into Trump politics over here and it wouldn't surprise me if they manage to influence enough morons to go Reform over Labour in a future election.
No but they will in the media/social media and they're going to be hysterical over everything. would like to say they can be laughed off but we're turning into Trump politics over here and it wouldn't surprise me if they manage to influence enough morons to go Reform over Labour in a future election.
They’d be utterly irrelevant for at least 4 of the 5 years of the next Parliament.

Then, pendent on what Labour have or haven’t done, they might kick up a stink in the election year.

I think we’ve probably peaked with populism for a little while, but that could be wrong.
They’d be utterly irrelevant for at least 4 of the 5 years of the next Parliament.

Then, pendent on what Labour have or haven’t done, they might kick up a stink in the election year.

I think we’ve probably peaked with populism for a little while, but that could be wrong.

music to my ears, very much hope the case. hope GB News goes down the pan soon.

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