General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 221 59.4%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 10 2.7%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 30 8.1%
  • Reform

    Votes: 49 13.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 21 5.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 41 11.0%

  • Total voters
Not true at all - if labour improve the country fantastic. Very blinkered view. The fear is that the 11 million economically inactive will grow further under labour. This is our fundamental problem but can’t be discussed.
Disagree with you. Labour, through improvement will expose further how much the Tories were out of their depth, and how much they destroyed the country whilst lining their own and donors pockets.
Does anyone know what Labour’s stance is to the free childcare that’s due to come into force very soon under the conservative government?

I can find anything outlined in their manifesto
They’ve not committed to anything on that, I saw an interview last week, like most things when pushed they ain’t saying anything. I suppose they’ve got to see what’s in the pot first.
Well, if you seriously think labour are going to do a better job than the Tories you need your head examined, yes the Tories have been as you say it twats, but you ain't seen nothing yet, when labour get in.
How anyone with kids or grandkids can vote for that pile of turd is completely beyond me.

Yeah Labour aren’t planning on tackling the important issues for young people like…let me have a look…making them do national service.

If they cared about young people they wouldn’t have taken their freedoms to study and work abroad away though a half cocked pointless brexit.
Does anyone know what Labour’s stance is to the free childcare that’s due to come into force very soon under the conservative government?

I can find anything outlined in their manifesto

Hesitation over whether it's realistic to promise places that may not be available next year (and Labour gets blamed for not fulfilling an unrealistic Tory policy).

But expanding childcare (vague) is in the manifesto and so is 3000 new primary school based nurseries (and free breakfast clubs in every primary school).
Well, if you seriously think labour are going to do a better job than the Tories you need your head examined, yes the Tories have been as you say it twats, but you ain't seen nothing yet, when labour get in.
How anyone with kids or grandkids can vote for that pile of turd is completely beyond me.
Project fear again!

How you could live with yourself after voting for Brexit is beyond me.
Well, if you seriously think labour are going to do a better job than the Tories you need your head examined, yes the Tories have been as you say it twats, but you ain't seen nothing yet, when labour get in.
How anyone with kids or grandkids can vote for that pile of turd is completely beyond me.
Please elaborate on exactly what Labour are going to do that makes you say “ you ain’t seen nothing yet “ and what your source is, other than gut feel
Please elaborate on exactly what Labour are going to do that makes you say “ you ain’t seen nothing yet “ and what your source is, other than gut feel
Don't encourage them.

It's just their device for not facing up to the damage their beloved Tories have done. Every accusation (sorry, "fear") about what Labour might do is an admission about what the Tories have done.
'Othering' again ..lets blame the 'Economically inactive' for this countries problems without understanding that of the 11 million ... 6,3 million are registered disabled (all have been assessed by GPs and DWP Work Capability assessments) A large majority of the remaining (4.9 million are carers) cant work full time because they have to look after somebody either disabled or elderly.

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Don’t let the facts get in his way mate.

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