General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
I wouldn’t consider myself Labour or Tory but do think any government runs out of ideas after say 10 years.
About 20years I was chatting with one of the older regulars in my local, he said he has always voted for the opposition, that way they can't be control for long enough to do too much damage
And pay more tax.
Marginal tax rates are higher than at any time in decades because of sneaky disguised tax increases such as freezing the personal allowances for years (fiscal drag is the correct term, I believe), equivalent currently to a 3p rise in the basic rate of income tax.

I'm not even a Labour voter but the Tories have wrecked this country and deserve to be absolutely hammered at the polls. Just vote for whichever party is best placed to unseat your local Tory MP.
Jesus wept, even the Tory party heirachy realise that they aren't fit to govern anymore. Every country had to deal with COVID, they dealt with it badly. The Tories forced the Brexit referendum, so that's on them, and countries like Germany have been fucked over much more by their reliance on russian gas. Our energy companies just made massive fucking profits, and should been hit with much tougher windfall taxes.

Why do you think gas prices went up? Is it because we suddenly started needing to replace Russian sourced gas and refined products due to sanctions on account of them invading Ukraine. So when Germany et al are running around trying to buy non-Russian origin products what do you think happens to the prices of said non-Russian origin products? The energy companies didn’t dictate those prices although it did increase their profits for sure.

Now I’m an advocate of free markets and where the UK (and others) went wrong was providing support for peoples energy bills at this time - can’t afford it? Use less. Simple supply and demand, this benefits everyone.

As a footnote. During covid same energy companies lost over £20bn I don’t recall seeing any collection buckets to support them then.
I hope the Conservatives take the mauling they deserve.

Whatever your political persuasion their conduct has been appalling and the British public have to stand up for ourselves and give them a kicking and show we do not accept the constant lies and their incompetence.

Whether you are to the left or right, as people you shouldn't accept it when politicians are allowed to re-invent words or give false information to try and convince you of their policies. "New" no longer means what it used to. It now also means "old". The media need to improve as well, there's no issue over impartiality when challenging terminology that is a clear lie. They shouldn't be reporting policies that are lies. They should be telling them for what they actually are.

We need a government that is formed by people who have our best interests at heart. You can't please everyone, but there is a standard to adhere to and that's gone completely down the toilet under this government. Partying whilst people were dying or having to stay away from loved ones. Those are the people who have been running this country. Now it's time to kick them out and party ourselves.
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Welp, alls I know is City have enjoyed their finest years under a Tory Government and our worst under a Labour one, so they're under the spotlight for that at least!

Disclaimer: this post is meant to light-hearted sarcasm and not meant to be taken seriously, so if you were about to reply with a serious post, dont.
I hope the Conservatives take the mauling they deserve.

Whatever your political persuasion their conduct has been appalling and the British public have to stand up for ourselves and give them a kicking and show we do not accept the constant lies and their incompetence.

Whether you are to the left or right, as people you shouldn't accept it when politicians are allowed to re-invent words or give false information to try and convince you of their policies. "New" no longer means what it used to. It now also means "old". The media need to improve as well, there's nothing impartial about challenging terminology when it is a clear lie. They shouldn't be reporting policies that are lies. They should be telling them for what they actually are.

We need a government that is formed by people who have our best interests at heart. You can't please everyone, but there is a standard to adhere to and that's gone completely down the toilet under this government. Partying whilst people were dying or having to stay away from loved ones. Those are the people who have been running this country. Now it's time to kick them out and party ourselves.
Spot on, well said
Welp, alls I know is City have enjoyed their finest years under a Tory Government and our worst under a Labour one, so they're under the spotlight for that at least!

Disclaimer: this post is meant to light-hearted sarcasm and not meant to be taken seriously, so if you were about to reply with a serious post, dont.

Dickov 99 >> Aguero 2012 nuff said!

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