General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
The phrase has been coined by the media and seized upon by all and sundry.
To say a lack of opposition is a good thing is ridiculous.

We need a strong opposition to keep the govt on their toes.
Had labour been weak the Tories would have done as they pleased for the last 5 years.
That's never good wherever your allegiances are.

If you look at the local council where I live the labour party have agreed to build on greenbelt.
No opposition so it goes through. Voters are very unhappy BUT won't change the way they vote because the thought of voting tory goes against their principles.

Building on greenbelt "goes through" because new houses have got to go somewhere. Tories represent homeowners who like a housing shortage pushing up the value of their home.

900 houses built on greenbelt where I live in Mid Cheshire
Planning was rejected by the local Labour town council, then also rejected by the Conservative County Council

As it was such a large project, it was then passed to Tory MP for Brentwood Essex, Eric Pickles, to make a decision on the builders appeal
Appeal approved, 900 houses built and no doubt a million quid donated to the Conservative party

A builder can appeal as many times as they wish, but once planning is approved, the approval cannot be appealed
If everyone who was unhappy with our
voting system and/or being unrepresented by the people running for office,did the same,something might change.

The fact that you could be arsed to turn up and spoil your ballot paper should be applauded.
There should be a box at the bottom with “ none of the above twats” that you can put your cross in
Happy the Tories will be gone but feels like it’s a few years too late. The damage they’ve caused during the last 14 years is so deep that it will take a long time for a recovery. They’ve basically taken us from the Premier League to non-league.

This is what Labour are basically walking into:


If you look closely there’s a few zombies walking round going ‘I’m still voting conservative!’ & ‘Don’t vote Labour!’.
I went to vote, handed in my polling card and showed my driving licence, the woman says "whats your name" I say " its on the card right there" she says to me you have to say it out aloud,its some ancient law. my reply was "Bugs fucking bunny, stick it up your arse" and i walked out.

Got home, checked the legislation and read the Fat **** Eric fat **** Pickles report on electoral reform. Then read the Electoral commission handbook for polling stations and indeed since 2017 you have to state your name and address. How the fuck are you supposed to vote if you cannot speak, or are deaf and dumb etc, These people can no longer vote according to the law.

What a fucking piss take this shower has been.
Didn't ask me to do any of that, just told them my address showed my driving licence and put my cross on the voting form they handed me popped it in the ballot box. Quite straight forward really.

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