General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 139 61.5%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 23 10.2%
  • Reform

    Votes: 27 11.9%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 22 9.7%

  • Total voters
I think the people who want to pay them more are the very people who are in receipt of the salary, expenses, sinecure, etc. MPs will never be lost for a reason for a pay hike, particularly when one or two of their 'other jobs' have dried up!

I've seen a fair few on here who believe higher wages will bring in better politicians, laughable really.
Also, where do you draw the line on this not being in education or employment criteria? My eldest daughter turns 18 in the next week, she will have completed her final exam at College by then and has a place at Uni lined up for September. Would she be conscripted? What if she decides she wants to have a gap year and defer her place to the following year and go travelling? Or if she changes her mind and goes for an Apprenticeship but the employer can't start her till the November. It's a nonsense and unworkable idea.

They ain't getting in pal anyhow it's just a desperate game of damage control now.
Also, where do you draw the line on this not being in education or employment criteria? My eldest daughter turns 18 in the next week, she will have completed her final exam at College by then and has a place at Uni lined up for September. Would she be conscripted? What if she decides she wants to have a gap year and defer her place to the following year and go travelling? Or if she changes her mind and goes for an Apprenticeship but the employer can't start her till the November. It's a nonsense and unworkable idea.
Join the Army 'n see the world - Iraq 'n Afghanistan are wonderfully exotic places that would educate a young mind. Meanwhile, Ludo Arbuthnot-Urquart, recently from Eton and taking a gap year before going up to Caius 'n Gonville or is it Gonville 'n Caius, will be off to do some Winter training in the Arctic waste of Canada attached to The Winnipeg Grenadiers! And yer'd get a free course in Canadian French!
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what does exist is already providing National Service for the youth of Sudan and the Phillipines isn't it?
Actually, I think the idea of every boatload shipping from the beaches of Pas-de-Calais should be informed that on arrival at Dover they have been enlisted into the services and training will begin as soon as yer've had yer first Army rations.
You say that, where I live there's an entire army of retired people who have never been forced or asked, going out and picking up the shit people lob out of their car windows. But they are proud of their village. But if your town or village has been left to go to shit after years of underinvestment, I can understand people thinking that it will make bugger all difference.
There is a huge difference between volunteering to do something and being compelled to do it.

The first is a hobby, the second is penal and akin to slavery.

Apart from this, I do not want little scrotes who take drugs and carry knives 'working' in the NHS and care homes. How would this minority be kept out? Indeed, how would you deploy them, and what would happen except them telling you to fuck off? Social cohesion my fundament.
There is a huge difference between volunteering to do something and being compelled to do it.

The first is a hobby, the second is penal and akin to slavery.

Apart from this, I do not want little scrotes who take drugs and carry knives 'working' in the NHS and care homes. How would this minority be kept out? Indeed, how would you deploy them, and what would happen except them telling you to fuck off? Social cohesion my fundament.
This has made me laugh nearly as much as when Bryan Riggs got the Rags job!
Would they still do that if they were forced though?

By making something compulsory it takes away some of the good spirit doesn't it?

Would make more sense to turn these young people into an army of public space enforcement officers rather than picking the litter up themselves. More likely to create a culture change if people can be fined for it and it would actually upskill them and give them an income.
I wasn't inferring that young people should be forced to go litter picking, it was more the insinuation that retired people do fuck all (im not retired by the way, far from it).

Apprenticeships are the way forwards with kids who are unable to find gainful employment, but not the crap incarnation that we have now where businesses just use it to reduce tax and increase their ability to lobby politicians. All large companies operating in the UK or working on UK government funded projects should be forced to take on a number of UK apprentices based upon the value and profit margin of their contracts.

Unfortunately as always the bean counters will look at the increase in cost on projects as inevitably private companies will charge a bit more and not look at the added value to the UK workforce in the longer term. But that would just be another case of government departments knowing the price of everything but the value of nothing, except where they money is going in a politicians best mates back pocket.

It would also reduce the large amount of offshoring that large companies do, which I find particularly galling as it takes uk tax payers money out if the UK economy.
I've seen a fair few on here who believe higher wages will bring in better politicians, laughable really.
I always saw that as a spurious argument for a parliamentary pay hike. It struck me that if it was established that they were 'better' then we pay them a little more, depending on what the Exchequer could afford! But you don't pay them well BEFORE we've seen what kind of performance emerges. Another £20k per annum and we would miraculously see a House of Commons ne'er seen since the National Government of the 40's? I don't think so! I often wonder, unlike the rest of the working population, just how much of an MPs salary is expended keeping body 'n soul together. It seems that 'expenses' amount to just nothing more than a second salary.

And don't get me started on those fat cats who leave a lucrative position because it's just dawned on the institution that they are shit but get a leaving package', which amounts to another eye-watering figure before waltzing off to another job for which they are wholly ill-equipped and totally unsuited.

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