General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
Buckland's speech was good, but we seem to have entered a period in politics where decency is a rude word. Strident voices seem to capture the attention and sensible reasoned arguments delivered in a calm manner are ignored.
The bluster of Trump and Johnson, and the sheer ranting of Truss and Kwarteng get the headlines irrespective of the message they try to deliver. Style (or lack of it) over substance every time.


Look at Milei in Argentina. I'm not saying it's a full-on act, no doubt its part of who he is but I think he was clued enough to observe politics across the world and realise that being a brash divisive character is a surefire way to build a following today. Historically these type have always existed, but especially now with the reach people have with social media and whatnot it's becoming a very tactical move for some politicians to become that way because it seemingly works.

Take a big portion of the public that is disillusioned with the current state of things and then along comes a big character that doesn't speak like your typical politician and is brash and on the edge, it's going to make waves
Today is a good day. It’s been coming, but the electorate learned how to game the system. Add in Labour and LD’s running efficient and effective campaign in terms of seat/vote targeting and this is the result.
Greens growing in influence is one to keep an eye on is my hot take.
I find it funny how many right wingers are suddenly moaning about how unfair the electoral system is. Yeah, welcome to the club. Everyone else has been moaning about this for decades.
I find it funny how many right wingers are suddenly moaning about how unfair the electoral system is. Yeah, welcome to the club. Everyone else has been moaning about this for decades.
Same in USA in the last election, claims of voter fraud. Whilst I do think not everything was above board there in that election, it's funny how the people shouting about voter fraud probably didn't say anything when Jeb Bush was behind an unfair Flordia election a couple of decades earlier, leading to a Republican win.

But it's politics, it's turns many people into irrational hypocrites.
I went to vote, handed in my polling card and showed my driving licence, the woman says "whats your name" I say " its on the card right there" she says to me you have to say it out aloud,its some ancient law. my reply was "Bugs fucking bunny, stick it up your arse" and i walked out.

You tell ‘em, Rascal!!!

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