General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
I wonder what sunak would do if one of his party donors called to say they could move the furniture out for a large lump of taxpayers money but they didn’t have a removal van or anyone who knows anything about removals.
Matt Hancock paid a white van man 700 million to do it.
Today is a good day. It’s been coming, but the electorate learned how to game the system. Add in Labour and LD’s running efficient and effective campaign in terms of seat/vote targeting and this is the result.
Greens growing in influence is one to keep an eye on is my hot take.
I suppose i could get abusive with the astronomical amounts of money the man wasted, that gave away in untendered contracts to people not up to the job, that he gave away in ‘covid loans’ to multiple fraudulent claims.
The £1.7M spent on ‘painting the PM’s plane’, £120M on ‘the festival of Brexit’, £911M on ‘consultancy fees’ in 2021, double the previous year, £2.3B in fines to the EU for lax customs checks on Chinese goods, £55M on government lawyers for the Covid enquiry, £40M for MOD ‘personal helicopter rides’, £29B on test and trace, over £1B on unusable PPE and testing contracts, millions more on storing it and now millions more on destroying it. All awarded un-tendered again and many of them with links to now ex-ministers and ex-MP’s. We spent over £160B on covid compared to France’s £30B for about the same outcomes.
And, of course, he didn’t insure the national debt, incurred as a result of the Quantitive Easing which he used to issue his ‘Covid Payouts’ against interest rate rises which cost £11B.
These are just a small number of examples and a full catalogue of wasteful spending is attached.

So, all in all, he’s been absolutely useless as both a chancellor and a PM and that’s being generous.
Tbf, a lot of that was at the insistence of Boris. I see they are now burning £1.5b worth of unused PPE.
Why is the nought on 10 Downing Street on the piss?
A botch job during renovation in the early 1960s, before that the zero was not inclined as currently. The zero is actually a Roman style capital letter O and probably just what the sign writer from the Ministry of Works was used to doing at the time.

Since then though, it's been kept as it eventually became a logo for the house.
I don’t have many kind things to say about the Conservatives and what they’ve done to this country but there are some small things that do give me hope… Robert Buckland’s concession speech was excellent, and goes to show there are still a few Tory’s sprinkled in there who would resist the party’s lurch to the right.
Buckland's speech was good, but we seem to have entered a period in politics where decency is a rude word. Strident voices seem to capture the attention and sensible reasoned arguments delivered in a calm manner are ignored.
The bluster of Trump and Johnson, and the sheer ranting of Truss and Kwarteng get the headlines irrespective of the message they try to deliver. Style (or lack of it) over substance every time.
IF they can sort out immigration I think the one policy Reform Plc will fade away.

Not that hard to do either, just come to an agreement with France on how to police it. It'll cost but It'll be cheaper than flying people to Rwanda. Make legal migration possible, maybe Visa based if you want to be tougher.

Tories just saw their arse and couldn't admit they need to work with France.

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