General Election - December 12th, 2019

Who will you vote for in the 2019 General Election?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 160 30.9%
  • Labour

    Votes: 230 44.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 59 11.4%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 13 2.5%
  • Brexit Party

    Votes: 28 5.4%
  • Plaid Cymru/SNP

    Votes: 7 1.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 21 4.1%

  • Total voters
Give me bloody strength. It's like trying to train a cat at times.

Not if Labour required a legally binding date of say October 15th. Labour know this is possible and yet they haven't asked for it. I wonder why that is? Because it BUGGERS UP their excuse.

They don’t need an excuse. A GE now and it’s tight or one in 2 months by which time there won’t be a Tory party.
A GE changes it IF the public give Johnson that endorsement.

So you are saying we must not allow the public to vote, in case leaving without a deal on October 31st IS WHAT THEY REALLY WANT. Honestly, remainer though I am, that is fucking disgraceful, it really is.

You’ve got this the wrong way around and are failing to admit Corbyn has had Johnson on toast.

Shame really normally you’re quite objective.
Johnson is fucked. His strategy to paint Corbyn as a chicken might impress a few people now but once a November or December date is set and an election campaign is under way it will be ancient history and he will have to explain why he’s not dead in a ditch. Either that or the Tories will work out he’s a huge liability and replace him with Hunt or someone else.
I don't accept either of those Mike.

1. As I keep saying, the lack of trust issue is a sham. It could be fixed in law. Corbyn's a leaver anyway and probably wants us to crash out. He's denying the October vote because he thinks (2) above is correct.

2. Boris might have been toast had he not done his utmost to deliver, only to be thwarted by an opposition being seen to be cowardly and obstructive. Even if that is not true, it's how it will be perceived. Boris's standing may actually go up as a result of all of this. You want a November election? Be careful what you wish for.

All are wishful thinking and let's just get one thing straight anyone wanting a no deal brexit is.

1 . Seriously rich and going to make a killing out of basically turning the UK into some third rate Singapore style tax haven banana republic.
2. An ignorant thick **** like who believe anything like we will shut all the boarders deport all non whites and the earth is flat.

Either way no deal is a shit sandwich whether or not it is delivered in a nice philpotts bag with a bow on it. Regardless most people don't want no deal they can work out the shit it would cause.
There has been an official document read out in court which includes boris calling cameron a girlie swot,on top of other comments he has said this week calling someone a big girls blouse female mp's are having a go at him on twitter,one is saying there are a lot of women in the house and we are going to give you a kicking lol,i can only think he saw his mate trump lying and blustering his way in the job and thought i can do that,no you can't
A General Election changes that and if he moves the date it can still be forced through I think.

Labour have no motivation for a GE now. Wait 2 months and the Tories will have destroyed themselves by then.

I don't agree about the Tory party destroying themselves tbh, and no I'm not a tory.

I actually think its pretty smart of them to get rid of those not willing to tow the party line.

I know its all about brexit but the Libs could have their best election result in a long time if the country went to the polls pre Oct 31st. Slightly surprised they haven't gone for it.
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Boris has purged the conservative party of anyone with a brain and principles. He has advocated a 'no idea' Brexit that lacks any kind of substance. He doesn't want the WA but cant for the life of him suggest anything better other than crashing out. He is probably the worst human being we have had as a PM in recent history.
You have no idea who 'my lot are' I don't have a lot at the moment. I simply think that remaining in the EU is right thing to do for the UK and at the GE I will vote for anyone who has the best chance of achieving that goal.

I think that remaining would be best as well. I'd rather we remained, with a Tory government. But since that doesn't seem to be on offer then leaving with a Tory government gives our country the best possible chance of not being completely and utterly fucked by the most dangerously damaging Labour party this country has ever seen.

The brainless ones are the Tories who voted in a way which brings that possibility much closer to being possible.
Equally the same can be said as to why the Tories have not fixed a date. You can’t just blame labour here. There must also be a reason why BJ doesn’t want to set the date in Law.
He has! He's said October 15th. But your lot voted it down. It didn't get as far as fixing the date because you knocked it on the head before we got that far.
I don't agree about the Tory party destroying themselves tbh, and no I'm not a tory.

I actually think its pretty smart of them to get rid of those not willing to toe the party line.

I know its all about brexit but the Libs could have their best election result in a long time if the country went to the polls pre Oct 31st. Slightly surprised they haven't gone for it.

Totally disagree. They’ve thrown out senior and well respected members of the party. The likes of Ken Clarke, Grieve and Hammond being thrown out is just the beginning of the turmoil.

Of course, they will come back, as the major parties do but they’ll first destroy themselves.

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