General / Mental Health Support Thread

You did them all then ? How did you feel after ?
Fantastic! It became a habit-got up early ev day, drank as much as I could early doors then either cycled or walked in the morning and then the inside workout in the afternoon-usually on the indoor rower.

Once a week I'd do a 45 minute stretch for my indoor workout.

Tbh I try to still do 1+ workouts a day-its great for my mind because like many people I have my struggles-i just dont drink the volume!!!

**I have found exercise incredibly good for mindfulness-you simply focus on the moment-I think for me, thats the biggest benefit.
Fantastic! It became a habit-got up early ev day, drank as much as I could early doors then either cycled or walked in the morning and then the inside workout in the afternoon-usually on the indoor rower.

Once a week I'd do a 45 minute stretch for my indoor workout.

Tbh I try to still do 1+ workouts a day-its great for my mind because like many people I have my struggles-i just dont drink the volume!!!

**I have found exercise incredibly good for mindfulness-you simply focus on the moment-I think for me, thats the biggest benefit.
Yes nearly every day at the gym and play 8 a side football most Mondays and Thursdays
My boss called me deceptive and challenged my integrity a few weeks back. Nearly 6 months after waiting for a disciplinary investigation lasting the same time. The outcome of which was mediation which I'd agreed to anyway in February! No spine and the cnut who made the complaint is no better. The workplace nowadays is a vipers nest of shithouses and wet wipes !
I told HR how the investigation duration was affecting both my physical and mental health but no response. I emailed the CEO and within days it was resolved.
We've already been to HR on how he bullies only girl in our team and they took his side so I had it out with him. Basically 25 mins of me telling him how crap a manager he is, how we feel he never listens or backs us, let's manager's from other teams treat us with disrespect.

We never get told anything about any changes until after they happen (which isn't ideal for an IT Helpdesk when users ring up asking why something has suddenly stopped working). Although he attends meetings on an almost daily basis on change control requests etc. Communication has been bit better until last week or so and it all hit the fan yesterday
We've already been to HR on how he bullies only girl in our team and they took his side so I had it out with him. Basically 25 mins of me telling him how crap a manager he is, how we feel he never listens or backs us, let's manager's from other teams treat us with disrespect.

We never get told anything about any changes until after they happen (which isn't ideal for an IT Helpdesk when users ring up asking why something has suddenly stopped working). Although he attends meetings on an almost daily basis on change control requests etc. Communication has been bit better until last week or so and it all hit the fan yesterday
I openly admitted to a mistake and was challenged at being deceptive? I stood up to a bully at work and was accused of being one in the process. I sent an email saying next time anyone defames my character I'll take legal action rather than take it to to the organisation. Sad you have to reach that stage but truth is the bullying generally comes from above
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Had a very difficult Xmas my BIL died suddenly Heart attack then our daughter became ill and couldn’t breathe, had to have a pacemaker fitted she’s always been very fit gym and running now she can’t do anything, worse still she is waiting for an appointment at the heart hospital. Four appointments cancelled

As if that wasn’t enough I felt sick and ended up with an emergency ileostomy New Year’s Eve getting on with it is hard, I wouldn’t say I’m depressed just emotional about the whole Xmas because life is just something that happens “why me” ? so once every day I make myself go for a walk or out of the house even in the rain no matter what because it helps.

Doing things helps until the pharmacy ring me regarding my prescription I think it’s the doctor and set off saying the tablets LOPERMIDE aren’t helping. To be informed that the chemist is now in charge of prescription’s and I’m thinking the NHS is overworked and underpaid and I’m angry at 4 appointments cancelled and the chemist is in charge.
Had a very difficult Xmas my BIL died suddenly Heart attack then our daughter became ill and couldn’t breathe, had to have a pacemaker fitted she’s always been very fit gym and running now she can’t do anything, worse still she is waiting for an appointment at the heart hospital. Four appointments cancelled

As if that wasn’t enough I felt sick and ended up with an emergency ileostomy New Year’s Eve getting on with it is hard, I wouldn’t say I’m depressed just emotional about the whole Xmas because life is just something that happens “why me” ? so once every day I make myself go for a walk or out of the house even in the rain no matter what because it helps.

Doing things helps until the pharmacy ring me regarding my prescription I think it’s the doctor and set off saying the tablets LOPERMIDE aren’t helping. To be informed that the chemist is now in charge of prescription’s and I’m thinking the NHS is overworked and underpaid and I’m angry at 4 appointments cancelled and the chemist is in charge.
Sorry to hear all that. Sounds like it was a tough time, to put it mildly.

My lad lives in the Czech Republic. He has had a few health problems recently, both physical and mental. He will be 42 soon but you never stop being a parent, and my anxiety is at it's max with it all.

I think, as a parent, we generally just get on with our own ailments as we have them but if your child is ill it is so much harder to carry on with the day to day stuff, particularly when we aren't well either.

Hopefully you have people around to help and support, and in a short while things might have turned around completely.
They often do x

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