General / Mental Health Support Thread

Gonna put this in here rather than start a thread. I suffer from ankylosing spondylitis. Having a fucking terrible time with it at the minute. Normally I'm pretty positive and can get through it but the pain at the minute is absolutely killing me. And whilst I wouldn't say its affecting my mental health at the minute it's getting pretty close.
Any blues have this condition? I'm sure there probably is.
I walk at a real pace so it doesn’t take me too long. This morning was an hour and it’ll be two half hours at lunch and in the evening. I’m extremely disciplined when I need to be and my 2022 scare has been a blessing in disguise in that respect.
My first experience and i had built it up so much i was dreading it but over all not so bad , at least it is relatively quick , the prep was much worse . This new one they have given me is six sachets , three litres in all , she said it doesnt taste as bad , not sure i believe her , lol, got to get to the bottom of the bleeding so have to grin and bare it !
I posted on another thread earlier this year I had a positive (in a bad way) FIT Test. Did the prep to go in for the Colonoscopy and Endoscopy procedure's at hospital at the same appointment. I was in the ward, in my gown and "dignity" shorts, BP was 235/111, procedure cancelled.

Referred back to GP, increased Ramipril and put on 10mg Amlopidine, all going great, BP average about 125/75.

Then over two weeks ago, I get severely swollen legs and a rashes in both my legs and ankles that are spreading, go to the local hospital and end up in SDEC, after tests for Cellulitis and Vasculitis and 6 hours in hospital the Doctor's conclude it could be the Amlopidine that's causing it. Take me off the drug, increase my ramipril, BP starts going up again.

Swelling in legs starts to go down, rash no where near as bad.

Then on Sunday, played golf at 10:30, got home at 5pm, swollen ankle and rash returned on right side of left leg (was both legs all over previously).

As I type this, the rash isn't fading as quick as it was, I'm at my wits end.

Need to get the BP down to get the Bowel and Stomach diagnosis but the swollen/rash legs are stopping me doing that, in a vicious circle.

And yes, that prep compound to clear you out is the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted.

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