General / Mental Health Support Thread

Hey thanks for the response. Yeah i used to be given oramorph but they have cut down on giving that out now and provide Codiene instead, which does take the edge off. Last night was just a very bad night. Im feeling better today the injections seem to have kicked in and done their job.
Like i say i am usually a really upbeat positive person and get through most things in life with the "it could be worse attitude". Yesterday/last night was just very bad.

With regards to a reference for pain i try to explain it as having severe tooth ache but in your bones/joints etc.
I was quite ill a couple of weeks ago, all sorts of pains and aches etc. I had a dream that I had Spondylitis. That was bad enough for me!

Great to hear you identify with a positive attitude.
Thank you, just dropping by to say op was successful, am back on ward. Very tired but thankfully very little pain. All being well they'll let me out tomorrow. Hope you're all well.
I am that tiny bit better for hearing your positive news - long may it continue.

Shi Heng Yi have many good videos about mental awerness etc
1. The Mind and Body are both as important as each other
2. Sometimes you have to go through something, to develop something.
3. You need others to support you, you cannot do this alone.
4. You don't always directly approach, what you want.
5. You know what you are capable of , you , yourself can bring this out. Potential.
6. No matter where you are from , everyone deals with the same issues.
7. Sometimes you must be a Warrior.

Also this thread should be pinned.
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I have been waiting well over a year for a decision on if i can carry on with pips , got a letter today to say they still havent made a decision so they have extended my pips for a further year , from now , and if they havent made a decision in the next year they will extend it again . Wonder if they are waiting to get instructions from a new government or they just dont have enough workers at the dwp, either way it is ridiculous and stressful for me and others in the same position
I have been waiting well over a year for a decision on if i can carry on with pips , got a letter today to say they still havent made a decision so they have extended my pips for a further year , from now , and if they havent made a decision in the next year they will extend it again . Wonder if they are waiting to get instructions from a new government or they just dont have enough workers at the dwp, either way it is ridiculous and stressful for me and others in the same position
We waited a year on our appeal after got turned down. Then 4 months after an appeal before decision in our favour. Hope you get sorted soon
Mum called me tonight to tell me someone we knew from many years ago (went on holiday together when I was a nipper) was the girl hit by a train at Heaton Chapel. Comments on her Facebook page mentioning her seeming happy the day before. You just never know :-(
Mum called me tonight to tell me someone we knew from many years ago (went on holiday together when I was a nipper) was the girl hit by a train at Heaton Chapel. Comments on her Facebook page mentioning her seeming happy the day before. You just never know :-(

It really must be so hard for the person and the people left behind, not knowing the signs must be terrible after the death.
Mum called me tonight to tell me someone we knew from many years ago (went on holiday together when I was a nipper) was the girl hit by a train at Heaton Chapel. Comments on her Facebook page mentioning her seeming happy the day before. You just never know :-(
That's so sad for all involved. It's true, you can never really know what's going on in someone's head.

Hope you're doing okay.
Lad in work really struggling. I'd opened up to him few weeks ago re issues with my new boss as we'd worked together for over 10 years and known each other for 17 years. He's completely opened up to me, lost lot of money (think on crypto) struggling with anxiety and having panic attacks. Took him for lunch and we sat by river chatting for an hour. Gave him details of councillors I've been using and he'd appointment on Friday.

He went home and let it all out to his wife (married and got son aged 4). Been to GP and got a follow up appointment

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