General / Mental Health Support Thread

I know you mentioned before that it was difficult to tell your loved ones, but have you been able to talk to someone since?
My immediate family, my best friend and a few managers at work know. I'm not great at sharing my worries with people though - if I discuss it it's all very matter-of-fact. I don't avoid conversations about it, I can't stand the tiptoeing around it, but it is very hard to say that I'm scared and preoccupied. I'm normally great at ignoring this kind of stuff but cancer isn't really something you can shove to the back of your mind.
My immediate family, my best friend and a few managers at work know. I'm not great at sharing my worries with people though - if I discuss it it's all very matter-of-fact. I don't avoid conversations about it, I can't stand the tiptoeing around it, but it is very hard to say that I'm scared and preoccupied. I'm normally great at ignoring this kind of stuff but cancer isn't really something you can shove to the back of your mind.

I get that. I'm not great at that stuff either..
It must be incredibly difficult, but it is good to hear you have someone to talk to

You are very brave, and I trust everything is getting better now? X

I get that. I'm not great at that stuff either..
It must be incredibly difficult, but it is good to hear you have someone to talk to

You are very brave, and I trust everything is getting better now? X
The operation and the recovery from it has been weirdly a breeze. Shows how times move on I guess - my mum had the same op 30 years ago and has a foot-long scar, whereas I had it done keyhole so I just have 4 tiny cuts, which are healing well. I had a little bit of pain so took just paracetamol for a few days, then nothing. So I really can't complain about the surgery. If they find it in my lymph nodes then I'll have to have radiotherapy to reduce the risk of it popping up elsewhere in the future. But if my lymph nodes are clear then I'm cured, which is the hope.
Waiting for test results after my operation is a real endurance test. It's 2 weeks tomorrow since the op and I feel really well but can't really relax or get back to fully living my life until I know if I'll need further treatment or not.

I'm signed off work until at least mid-July so I don't even have that to distract me. I'm just lying around or having gentle walks and all the time in the back of my head is the question of whether or not I still have cancer.

I know it takes as long as it takes and nobody's dragging it out on purpose but it's very hard not to feel sorry for myself. I know that's stupid - my recovery is going so well, I should be pleased. It's just the waiting. If it's good news then I can put all this behind me, and if it's bad news then I can focus on the next steps. But with no news I can't do anything.
Glad your recovery is going well, the waiting is awful but every day is nearer to finding out x
At last we've seen a bit of daylight. Was at hospital with father in law yesterday. No need for catheter or op on prostate.

After 7 hours of looking at figures we managed to work out mother in law's financial deputy ship report to submit government website yesterday.

We've also agreed to keep paying care homes fees for her mother until January.

So glad to get all done before we go in holiday on Saturday so my other half can relax a little
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Waiting for test results after my operation is a real endurance test. It's 2 weeks tomorrow since the op and I feel really well but can't really relax or get back to fully living my life until I know if I'll need further treatment or not.

I'm signed off work until at least mid-July so I don't even have that to distract me. I'm just lying around or having gentle walks and all the time in the back of my head is the question of whether or not I still have cancer.

I know it takes as long as it takes and nobody's dragging it out on purpose but it's very hard not to feel sorry for myself. I know that's stupid - my recovery is going so well, I should be pleased. It's just the waiting. If it's good news then I can put all this behind me, and if it's bad news then I can focus on the next steps. But with no news I can't do anything.
You sound a positive guy, so be positive and assume everything will be okay as I'm sure it will, good luck mate
DWP have kept me waiting for over a year but the decision is........YES ! Phew , full rate till 2027 when we do the dance again , unless the tories get in that is

So relieved
I've just got an appointment for PIP. I need some help as I can't afford to get to appointments even. I've missed a few due to not being able to get there. It's a phone appointment, this one, though.

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