General / Mental Health Support Thread

Gonna have to ring Samaritans tonight feel like I'm going fucking mental
Might end up on antipsychotics the world is doing my head in

Though at the moment I'm out at a pub and talking to people which I don't do much

No alcohol of course

Glad you are out and chatting.

I remember your posts because you have a nice style and a memorable username, plus I do look in here often if not always posting. Didn't want to go causing drama but I wasn't best happy with the response you got in an earlier thread regarding a post about potential US civil war, and WW3. Folks would do well to remember not everyone is in the same mood or mindframe when posting. Don't let that type of stuff dissuade you from sharing on here.
Gonna have to ring Samaritans tonight feel like I'm going fucking mental
Might end up on antipsychotics the world is doing my head in

Though at the moment I'm out at a pub and talking to people which I don't do much

No alcohol of course

This is the best song if you feel downhearted with no where to turn,
If you are feeling overwhelmed call The Samaritans (116 123)You are not alone, you are part of Talk Club
So many men struggle with showing their feelings and talking about them, Liam did this song last year it helps people.
It helped me when I had to learn walking again not because I was desperate but I just didn’t want to keep on trying “to hard” but I succeeded in the end after playing it over and over an obsession.

Beating Chelsea tonight that’s a happy thought
Try to tell them I know it’s hard but mental health is so important talking is the only way sometimes a complete stranger on the train bus shop pub, can help or maybe something like this thread
My sister lost her husband at Xmas and she joined a group of other bereaved people to talk about their loss she’s put herself down for a 5mile walk with a bunch of other people. :)
I started talking/opening up to someone the other day. It just came up in conversation and I said I get anxious about things etc..

He was magic. I've known him years and he said 'he'd never would have said that about me'.
At that point his missus came over and asked 'what were we talking about? Football no doubt????!!!!!!'

End of conversation, but that, allied with these pages, has helped me want to talk more.

Thing is people at work think they know me. They don't.They only know what I want them to know!
I started talking/opening up to someone the other day. It just came up in conversation and I said I get anxious about things etc..

He was magic. I've known him years and he said 'he'd never would have said that about me'.
At that point his missus came over and asked 'what were we talking about? Football no doubt????!!!!!!'

End of conversation, but that, allied with these pages, has helped me want to talk more.

Thing is people at work think they know me. They don't.They only know what I want them to know!
I'm same with guy in work. Known each other for almost 17 years. Worked in same team up until COVID so chatted every day, went to pub most Thursday/Friday.

Just started chatting one day and he opened up which led me to do same. Always messaging each other now to support the other and usually in office on Tuesday so arrange to meet for face to face chat most weeks. Means I'm not mithering my other half who also suffers from anxiety. This thread and chatting to him give me a sense that someone understands even if I think it's silly or being anxious over nothing. I'm not being judged
I go to my NHS long COVID appointments every few weeks now. They give me homework. This is the list from the email they've recently sent me (obviously based on what I tell them)
  1. Humankind by Rutger Bregman – this will restore your faith in humanity.
  2. 10 minutes stroll twice a day – not in the heat of the day.
  3. When you do 45 minute walk stop regularly at benches or sit on the grass – every 10 mins.
  4. Gardening – not in the heat of the day.
  5. Watch videos on pacing on micro-pacing.
  6. Google vagus nerve stimulation –
  7. Play games with family – cards, board games – this can give you an energy boost.
  8. Try to have periods of physical activity, cognitive activity and rest in each 3rd of the day.
  9. Get yourself on the waiting list for The Men’s Shed.
  10. Go walking before you smoke weed in the evening.
  11. Go swimming again.
Thursday was my worst day for ages absolutely horrible
Today I have been lifting heavy stuff like washing machines with my brother

Nothing like tough physical work for mental well being
Nothing like us beating Man U on penalties to make me feel good about the world :)
It was an incredible Xmas but I’m so lucky living right beside my two married daughters, our son is not far away. I don’t know how you cope with your lad being away in the Czech Republic
at 42 you think you won’t have to worry about his health mental or physical it’s been a tough few years with lockdowns and the isolation that brought to everyone really. I remember you have arthritis it can’t be easy for you

I expected to help out with the g/children but never my daughter whose been a picture of health all her life even as a baby you just don’t know when things can change, worse still we don’t have a doctor at our practice only an occasional part time one. We had to give the doctor a lift she hasn’t passed her driving test yet she was very grateful because she walked round to our house :)
It's a bloody slog at times being a parent. Especially when there's only yourself (there's only ever been me, unfortunately).
When your child gets ill it doesn't matter how old they are, you still worry yourself to the point of exhaustion. So I completely empathize with your own situation, and I hope it's getting better for you.
My lad might be coming back to England. He suggested it in a message yesterday. It had to come from him though, rather than me.
I'm pleased he is looking at different options, and I don't know how we will cope with him living in my tiny flat. But we will if needs be.

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