General / Mental Health Support Thread

Sorry to hear all that. Sounds like it was a tough time, to put it mildly.

My lad lives in the Czech Republic. He has had a few health problems recently, both physical and mental. He will be 42 soon but you never stop being a parent, and my anxiety is at it's max with it all.

I think, as a parent, we generally just get on with our own ailments as we have them but if your child is ill it is so much harder to carry on with the day to day stuff, particularly when we aren't well either.

Hopefully you have people around to help and support, and in a short while things might have turned around completely.
They often do x
It was an incredible Xmas but I’m so lucky living right beside my two married daughters, our son is not far away. I don’t know how you cope with your lad being away in the Czech Republic
at 42 you think you won’t have to worry about his health mental or physical it’s been a tough few years with lockdowns and the isolation that brought to everyone really. I remember you have arthritis it can’t be easy for you

I expected to help out with the g/children but never my daughter whose been a picture of health all her life even as a baby you just don’t know when things can change, worse still we don’t have a doctor at our practice only an occasional part time one. We had to give the doctor a lift she hasn’t passed her driving test yet she was very grateful because she walked round to our house :)
Feeling inspired. 5000 steps before breakfast!

8 months ago I was sedated, intubated, on a ventilator, and my family were being told to prepare themselves for the very possible outcome that I wouldn't make it.

This month, I turn 36. I feel very lucky.
Honestly I cant thank people enough for contributing to this topic.
It's a lonely place. Even if you ask for help people don't always get it.

Not read all the pages, but I'm so glad people have responded to others.

I try not to impose my anxiety on my loved ones for fear of making them worry (more).
Try to tell them I know it’s hard but mental health is so important talking is the only way sometimes a complete stranger on the train bus shop pub, can help or maybe something like this thread
My sister lost her husband at Xmas and she joined a group of other bereaved people to talk about their loss she’s put herself down for a 5mile walk with a bunch of other people. :)
Try to tell them I know it’s hard but mental health is so important talking is the only way sometimes a complete stranger on the train bus shop pub, can help or maybe something like this thread
My sister lost her husband at Xmas and she joined a group of other bereaved people to talk about their loss she’s put herself down for a 5mile walk with a bunch of other people. :)
Cheers for the message.
Deep down I know, but I spend my life laughing stuff everyone thinks I don't take things seriously.
I'm determined to take 'the step' and this page has definitely helped.
Honestly I cant thank people enough for contributing to this topic.
It's a lonely place. Even if you ask for help people don't always get it.

Not read all the pages, but I'm so glad people have responded to others.

I try not to impose my anxiety on my loved ones for fear of making them worry (more).
I absolutely understand the fear of sharing with loved ones.

The important thing really is that you can find somewhere to let those feelings out.

Family and friends are often the hardest to share with because they love you most and are most affected by your feelings. The other side of that is that they'll often do anything to help you and it can make your relationships even stronger. But you have to be ready and willing to make that disclosure, and open to the chance, however small, that they might not respond in a way that helps.

Sharing with strangers - here, or at a support group, or anonymously to the Samaritans - can also be hugely beneficial. Even just writing your feelings down and not showing them to anyone can also be a release.

Go at your own pace and do what you feel comfortable with. We all have to find our own way.
Gonna have to ring Samaritans tonight feel like I'm going fucking mental
Might end up on antipsychotics the world is doing my head in

Though at the moment I'm out at a pub and talking to people which I don't do much

No alcohol of course

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