Get Behind Robinho

Cobwebcat said:
If fans think they are being taken for a ride by a player then they are going to be upset. It's attitude not lack of form that people are annoyed about:

1. Pissing off to Brazil whithout permission.

2. Half wearing the club suit like he's saying "Look at me I'm better than the rest of you"

3. Turning up at events organised by the club for the kids 10 minutes from the end, 2 hours late.

4. Not bothering to try away from home.

5. Walking straight down the tunnel when subbed.

I could go on but you get the picture. He thinks he is doing us a favour by being in our squad, he doesn't have to actually try. We wouldn't give any other player a free ride why should Robinho be exempt exactly? Is he bigger than the club now?!

If it was form or confidence I'd be the first saying get off his back (as I did when people were after Ireland) but this lad is taking the piss and I'm sick of him.

Sorry if that's negative it's just the way I feel now.

nah that's all fair enough. he definitely does not deserve a free ride. He's made mistakes. but this is a fresh start for our players. My sincere hope is that Mancini is better placed to keep him in line at our club than Mark Hughes was. If it doesn't work out, then I won't shed any tears.... but I'm not angry enough to forget that he was actually a very good player for us last year. He's worth a shot. He's low on confidence. Get off his back, there are enough people in the media who want to stick the boot into him. If it comes from us as well.... He can run away to Barca, but I'd prefer it if he sorted it out here, became a big player for us again, and proved all our critics wrong.
Just watched MOTD from Boxing Day (missed it due to a Sky Plus mishap) - first half Robinho did pretty well and was involved in pretty much every highlight that was shown. Second half he noticeably tired (understandable given his injury) and looked frustrated by his own performance.

So, well worth a vindictive witch hunt against him clearly.
bizzbo said:
Cobwebcat said:
If fans think they are being taken for a ride by a player then they are going to be upset. It's attitude not lack of form that people are annoyed about:

1. Pissing off to Brazil whithout permission.

2. Half wearing the club suit like he's saying "Look at me I'm better than the rest of you"

3. Turning up at events organised by the club for the kids 10 minutes from the end, 2 hours late.

4. Not bothering to try away from home.

5. Walking straight down the tunnel when subbed.

I could go on but you get the picture. He thinks he is doing us a favour by being in our squad, he doesn't have to actually try. We wouldn't give any other player a free ride why should Robinho be exempt exactly? Is he bigger than the club now?!

If it was form or confidence I'd be the first saying get off his back (as I did when people were after Ireland) but this lad is taking the piss and I'm sick of him.

Sorry if that's negative it's just the way I feel now.

nah that's all fair enough. he definitely does not deserve a free ride. He's made mistakes. but this is a fresh start for our players. My sincere hope is that Mancini is better placed to keep him in line at our club than Mark Hughes was. If it doesn't work out, then I won't shed any tears.... but I'm not angry enough to forget that he was actually a very good player for us last year. He's worth a shot. He's low on confidence. Get off his back, there are enough people in the media who want to stick the boot into him. If it comes from us as well.... He can run away to Barca, but I'd prefer it if he sorted it out here, became a big player for us again, and proved all our critics wrong.

He pissed off to Brazil to warn his family about the sex assault charges that were about to be made public after the muppets in charge told him he could not go. What would you have done? Waited for the press to break the news to them by standing in a pack on their doorstep?

Cannot comment about the next two as I havn't a clue what you are talking about, sorry.

I don't think that its a case of not bothering away from home. We played a different way under Hughes away from home and Robbie just cannot play that way it does not suit his game. That does not mean we should always play him home or away just that it is not all about his attitude.

Never looks good when a player walks straight down the tunnel but again its not always because of a bad attitude he may well have been pissed off at his own performance rather than being subbed.

Having said all that I am not saying that we should try to play him every game just give him a bit of slack. He is a 'confidence' player and he is very low on that, he needs a goal and not just a scruffy one he needs a real classy one to buck him up. And he needs the fans to stick with him until then.
He's just not all that good, if it were Weiss playing like that people would be saying he's not ready yet, don't play him again soon.
Saying he was "involved a lot" is the best thing you can say about his performance, how long will it take people to realise we're flogging a dead horse. We've got better and can get better so why persevere?
Neil McNab said:
He's just not all that good, if it were Weiss playing like that people would be saying he's not ready yet, don't play him again soon.
Saying he was "involved a lot" is the best thing you can say about his performance, how long will it take people to realise we're flogging a dead horse. We've got better and can get better so why persevere?

I only advocate persevering with Robinho because I believe him to be a top quality player. I'm from the 'form is temporary, class is permanent', school of thought. I certainly wouldn't want Robinho kept as a trophy or to sell shirts. As a City fan, all I care about is the performance of the team, and as long as I think Robinho has a contribution to make I'll back him.
Neil McNab said:
He's just not all that good, if it were Weiss playing like that people would be saying he's not ready yet, don't play him again soon.
Saying he was "involved a lot" is the best thing you can say about his performance, how long will it take people to realise we're flogging a dead horse. We've got better and can get better so why persevere?

WTF!! robinho is in the top 10 players on the planet mate!
granted he's not doing himself any favours at the minute and maybe he's not cut out for our game i dont know but to say he isn't that good is bull shit.
who's the first name on the brazil team sheet when fit, not kaka, fabiano or ronaldhino.
robinho is god over there mate.
its obvious that he's low on confidence and he'll only regain that confidence by playing, i mean he's only been here 18 months, tranny was still being called shit at this time in his utd career and look at the player he turned out to be!
I want Robinho at City but only the Robinho that's good. More than half the time he's utter shite. It's up to him to start playing & to do it now. Hughes has been sacked for doing a better job as a manager than Robinho's done as a player. He cost 10 times as much as Hughes.

He's got the manager, the players, the fans, the training facilities & everything he needs to produce for Manchester City Football Club. It's time for him to either start doing it or to fuck off & stop wasting our time.
Neil McNab said:
Saying he was "involved a lot" is the best thing you can say about his performance

Being 'involved a lot' in a game we won is a good thing surely?

And considering if you hadn't seen the game and just read Bluemoon you would think he had got a deckchair out on the touchline, it becomes even more relevant.

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