Get to the Etihad for the 2nd leg!

Do you know. I felt nothing at the final whistle. I really couldn't give a shit about the CL, even though it's clearly important to the owners.
Colin, I have felt the same on many occasions but last night felt so different, the connection between the team and supporters was palpable
Was unimpressed by the pricing, and how much more expensive my ticket was in comparison to the Kiev game. Decided to wait until the first leg was over and as I knew I would if there was a chance of us going through, I bought one this morning. I could always afford the 2nd leg it was just more the principle of charging double the previous round, this one will sell out now which is great, and a shame at the same time.
It's my choice how I spend the £50, so don't feel sorry for me.
I really hope we progress in the tournament, but I also hope the supporters who are aggrieved about the ticket prices don't purchase and it leaves several thousand unsold, as it should really be the hottest ticket in town
My season card seat was sold a while ago

Totally m8, and I wouldn't tell anyone what they should be doing with there hard urned ...
Just think that it will only be the likes of yourself who will suffer as the club shouldn't have problems selling out now so won't even register with the powers that be that there is discontent with some.

Just think those who can afford it should be there as your only denying yourself the expereance and maybe come up with a difrent way to express your displeasure that will actly register with the club. And I don't mean this to come over condersendung eather if it dose..
This is the most important game bar QPR since our takeover. Not the time to throw your dummy out, we want the XI out there to see a full house not 10K seats empty after a great 2-2 draw at Paris against all odds. Imagine how the likes of Aguero would feel about that. Don't come around asking the club to get big money signings or extend contract of the likes of Aguero with empty seats at such a big game.

The club have frozen the ST prices for next season atleast thats a move in the right direction.

Thing is the team will see a full house it's the guys choosing to stay away that will suffer as it won't even regester with the club that they are not there.
Shame that they will miss what could be a great moment in the clubs history.

Never thought I'd say this and totally dont agree with it one bit, but there protests would be best served with the original planned walk out at the weekend rather then denying themselves the 1/4 final. theat way the club may notice a couple of hundred leaving early, maybe best b4 60 min though as it will just be assumed it's the general early leavers at 60min..
Failing that a well thought out banner that wouldn't embarrass the club in anyway.
For those who can afford it put your stubbornness away for this one and pick another battle ground.
From a quick look at the ticket planner I'd have said the majority of tickets were sub £50, not over (not even counting the £5 discount). I presume all the grey bits are the 'UEFA friends & family' bollocks.
Well all the East & CB seats are £55 or £60 before the discount, plus North & South other than L1 are £50.

I was talking about all seats but I suspect you're only talking about the seats available on the planner.
I don't get this fucking 'history' talk. Ok, we've not been past this stage, but surely winning the thing is making history. Hyperbole again.

I won't be there as I think the tickets are overpriced, but that's my choice......oh, and I think the competition is ridiculously over egged.

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