Get to the Etihad for the 2nd leg!

My Father is a true City fan, has been all his life, but he will not be there.

He is ninety four and a half years old can hardly see and can not walk without aid and then only a matter of a few feet.
Totally m8, and I wouldn't tell anyone what they should be doing with there hard urned ...
Just think that it will only be the likes of yourself who will suffer as the club shouldn't have problems selling out now so won't even register with the powers that be that there is discontent with some.

Just think those who can afford it should be there as your only denying yourself the expereance and maybe come up with a difrent way to express your displeasure that will actly register with the club. And I don't mean this to come over condersendung eather if it dose..
It's very possible it will sell out now due to the first leg result and in the short term the club has won the battle
However, how many are going to sack off the cup schemes and what financial effect will that have and also with reduced attendance for early cup rounds, what effect will that have on what already is a poor atmosphere
Yes I'm missing the matchday experience but I'll be watching the game with a beer in my hand
If it sells out it shows they have priced it correctly. It's called supply and demand. If the product on offer was overpriced people wouldn't pay it.

Apparently we're a working class club and people can't afford the ticket prices and yet I was amazed at the number of clearly working class people able to pay 70 quid a ticket plus all travel and accommodation costs for a trip to Paris last night. Watch bluemoonrisingtv if you don't believe me.

If people have an issue with the club's ticket prices, then it is an issue for football to address not just MCFC. Our ticket prices are well in line, if not less, than all our major competitors.

No issue with people having a problem with ticket pricing but it's patently unfair you campaign against your own club (particularly when considered against what they have personally invested to turn the club around) that is doing nothing different from it's competition.
Am I the only one who doesn't think £50 is over the odds for a game of this level?

Depends where they were, wouldn't mind if they were the top priced tickets but £70.00 for some tickets is just too much.
There are still some tickets in the South Stand going for £40.00 which is OK I suppose.

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