Give me this forever !

melons said:
Big Dave Watson said:
melons said:
I have to say though, as a 45 year-old veteran viewer of many a shocking City performance, that I don't think I've ever seen any City side capitulate in the way that West Ham did last night. We've been appalling at times over the years but there's always been a fight in the team and a bit of respect for the shirt.
I'm no fan of big Sam but his players really let him down in that match. If I was a West Ham fan I'd have been absolutely livid at the lack of grit and effort that they showed

Boro away in Sven's reign ?

I know what you mean though :-)

Fair point ! I'd magically erased that one from my memory !

You know when Elano is the one player grafting more than all the others that something very very bad is going on. We really were an utter disgrace that day.
adrianr said:
I must admit, I'm randomly wondering around humming Hey Jude to myself much more than usual.
Half an hour to the bus after the game, singing all the way. Then starting reading the various match reports and just started giggling. Ended up today, describing the first goal to someone, and almost started welling up. Some absolute magic being worked at City at the moment.
Just watched the sky highlights show (45 mins) and just welled up with emotion and pride..

Im so proud to call myself a City fan,many people that Ive grown up with here in Brighton know that ive had more than my fair share from 'southern rags' rubbing it in like they do...I may have a full blooded suvvern accent as Ive lived down here since I were 4yrs old,but the three most special words on my Birth certifcate are 'Manchester west central'..
And the southern rags only wish they could say the same..
I think the 1st September 2018 will be the day when we can sit back and truly appreciate our good fortune.

Not just because of the riches that have come our way, but because we will be able to look at us, where we'll find ourselves - then cast our eyes at Chelsea - another "moneyed" club and the contrast will be remarkable.

Our first game after after the takeover was against them. They were something we aspired to be. Ten years on from that point, without the rampant egomania of their owner which diminishes the effectiveness of every pound he invests, we will be a bigger and better force than them in every meaningful way : our stadium, infrastructure, marketing, branding, academy, commercial arm, senior management and playing personnel are all areas where we will discernibly outmuscle and outshine them.

The "project", much derided at the time, has been, and will continue to be, delivered with ruthless efficiency. Not just because of the sums invested, but the planning that's gone hand in hand with it.

We are truly blessed.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I think the 1st September 2018 will be the day when we can sit back and truly appreciate our good fortune.

Not just because of the riches that have come our way, but because we will be able to look at us, where we'll find ourselves - then cast our eyes at Chelsea - another "moneyed" club and the contrast will be remarkable.

Our first game after after the takeover was against them. They were something we aspired to be. Ten years on from that point, without the rampant egomania of their owner which diminishes the effectiveness of every pound he invests, we will be a bigger and better force than them in every meaningful way : our stadium, infrastructure, marketing, branding, academy, commercial arm, senior management and playing personnel are all areas where we will discernibly outmuscle and outshine them.

The "project", much derided at the time, has been, and will continue to be, delivered with ruthless efficiency. Not just because of the sums invested, but the planning that's gone hand in hand with it.

We are truly blessed.
Why; what's going to happen then?


These are indeed wondrous times we're experiencing. 5 Wembley trips in a little under three years (April 2011 to next March). Before that (if you include the full members' cup), we had two (?) visits in 30 years. And an FA Cup win and the Premier League title to boot. I envy the young blues growing up now, who never experienced the dark days of the 80's/90's/00's.

*edit* 6th visit; forgot the Chelsea s/f!
samharris said:
Just watched the sky highlights show (45 mins) and just welled up with emotion and pride..

Im so proud to call myself a City fan,many people that Ive grown up with here in Brighton know that ive had more than my fair share from 'southern rags' rubbing it in like they do...I may have a full blooded suvvern accent as Ive lived down here since I were 4yrs old,but the three most special words on my Birth certifcate are 'Manchester west central'..
And the southern rags only wish they could say the same..

Don't worry mate I once walked out of Aldi with 6 bags after paying for 5.....there's NO shame in it ;^)
TCIB said:
I just wonder if anyone else is feeling the same ?

I am not here to go on about how hard we have had it, everyone knows and either respects long standing fans for it or they are rags and hate us by law.

I loved Mancini, i was an "inner" for many reasons, mainly the obvious that he brought us success.
That gave us a tougher winning mentality even if his last season did go to rat shit, he elevated our club past the toughest of blockades.
This being the "traditional top clubs" and their attempts to polarize themselves from any potential usurpers as they see us.

I could see Mancini had facets to his personality that have no place in a professional outfit, namely his confrontational approach to man management.
This works with some players but they are a dying breed, you need to be much more err like Manuel Pellegrini actually.

So yeah i have seen much dross and at times comical stuff from us as a club so i would like to think i can appreciate the smooth.
How did that guiness advert go again in the late 80's ? :p

The club as a whole now is imo perfect, if you judge a club by trophies alone you may never feel complete as a fan.
However i feel we have a pretty unique perspective as fans and one that allows us a very considered view.

The football now is amazing, the players are happy and Pellegrini has them all smiling and happy, even Edin.
Our club stability has never been more assured and you can't sense any animosity or disharmony in any section of the club.
The infrastructure is second to none and aesthetically pleasing to boot.

If we do not win against Barca but give a damn good account of ourselves and even if we did not win the prem, if we just continue like this it will come next season.
I have never been more assured and positive as a fan, a feeling i have not experienced before but i like it :)


Just about sums my feelings up, really good post.
Being an old get, I still remember that bad times vividly. 30 plus years of misery.

But the football last night had me thinking WOW, I could only dream of such a performance
I kept thinking I was going to wake up in a minute.

Happy days not before time for us Blues

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