good debate - gone off track

Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

ive seen singing it who are bout 70 years old! never used to have soft arses winging about it as much as this.

im guna guess that most of the people who dont like the song sit in the bell stand and family/northstand and some east...
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Hu Died An Made You A Saint?
City Fans Can Sing Wat They Want When They Want
U Sure Ur Not A Red Nosed Cnt in Discuise?![/quote]

Somewhere there's a village missing it's idiot.[/quote]

Somewhere there is a red missing his seat!!

There has always been a core element of city fans singing these songs and there always will do. To say that these are the people who also go to away grounds and fight is just total bollox mate. I have seen middle aged men sing these songs. Some of these people have been season ticket holders for over twenty years, never caused any bother at away but like to sing these songs. As i said before, its purely up to them. to typcast them as knobheads that like to pick fights at away games is fuckin wrong. If you dont like the songs dont sing them.

It seems to hurt you as much as it does the reds. Your not one of them are you?
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Jim1980 said:
It seems to hurt you as much as it does the reds. Your not one of them are you?
So, to be offended and repulsed by a song that mocks young men dying in a plane crash, I have to be a United fan now? And here was me thinking it just made me a human being with a healthy sense of what's appropriate and acceptable and what's inappropriate, childish and moronic.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

kippax88 said:
ive seen singing it who are bout 70 years old! never used to have soft arses winging about it as much as this.

im guna guess that most of the people who dont like the song sit in the bell stand and family/northstand and some east...
And I'm going to guess you'd struggle to tell the difference between your arse and your elbow, even with the help of flash cards. I reckon my guess is more likely to be accurate.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Didsbury Dave said:
felixbg said:
i hate this generalisation aswell that its the youth of today that sing all the moonik songs, because we ''don't understand what happened''' and all that crap !!! it was the lot in the 70's-80's that made the songs up and started all this death celebrating.

Very true mate and you will see plenty of old boys Busby Stomping in pubs.

Correct. And I wouldn't mind betting that out of all those that have condemned the airing of these chants on this thread, there are at least a few that have been guilty of them at some point in the past. There was a time when "Who's that lying on the runway?" was sung by a far greater number of people than it is these days. Not all those people have stopped going to games or disappeared into thin air.

If someone can genuinely turn round and say that they have not once come out with anything remotely controversial at a football match, whether it be mocking one disaster or another, or something that ridicules a particular player or manager or set of fans in a derogatory way, then fair play - you can take the moral high ground. If not, then by all means register your displeasure that you'd prefer these songs not to be sung but do it without coming across as someone who has never done or said anything in your life that can be deemed offensive - after all, plenty of you are probably guilty of mocking the dead in the form of receiving and passing on text messages that take the piss out of the latest celebrity that has passed away.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

DrBluemoon said:
Halfpenny said:
ireland_is__superman said:
gh_mcfc said:
Thanks very much to the dickheads singing M****h on the way in yesterday, (hopefully not someone who comes on here)

When will you pricks learn ...... Hope you are proud of yourselves

As regards to the first comment your very much welcome

As for the second one proud isnt the word im estatic
If you want to mock the dead, go and support someone else. We don't want you.

Hu Died An Made You A Saint?
City Fans Can Sing Wat They Want When They Want
U Sure Ur Not A Red Nosed Cnt in Discuise?!
Do you want to see my fucking seasoncard?

And you seem to be typical of the people who sing it so, carry on.
Also, your grammar is possibly the worst I have ever seen, and it doesn't help me take you seriously.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

M18CTID said:
Correct. And I wouldn't mind betting that out of all those that have condemned the airing of these chants on this thread, there are at least a few that have been guilty of them at some point in the past. There was a time when "Who's that lying on the runway?" was sung by a far greater number of people than it is these days. Not all those people have stopped going to games or disappeared into thin air.

Perhaps those people have grown up and realised that mocking death isn't actually something to feel proud of?

M18CTID said:
If someone can genuinely turn round and say that they have not once come out with anything remotely controversial at a football match, whether it be mocking one disaster or another, or something that ridicules a particular player or manager or set of fans in a derogatory way, then fair play - you can take the moral high ground.

There are degrees of acceptability, taking the piss out of O'Shea for being gay isn't as bad as mocking M*nich, mainly because O'Shea ISN'T gay and it's done in jest.

M18CTID said:
....after all, plenty of you are probably guilty of receiving and passing on text messages that take the piss out of the latest celebrity that has died.
There's a difference there though isn't there. If I forward on a text joke about, for example, Jade Goody's death there's no chance it's going to upset her family or others with a direct association with her death. If I stand up at the football and chant about M*nich then the media, United fans and anyone with a TV/radio is going to have the opportunity to hear it.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

are all these people retarded/teenagers/early 20's ? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

kippax88 said:
are all these people retarded/teenagers/early 20's ? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Bearing in mind I'm at work so can't view youtube clips I'm going to guess it's a video of people chanting about M*nich, in which case a few points:-

1 - retarded - YES

2 - Teenagers - Probably Not

3 - Early 20's - Clearly either this, the point above, or both were going to be answered NO, they can't ALL be teenagers AND all be early 20's now can they.

4 - Chants about M*nich are banned on Bluemoon, so are links to chants about M*nich. If this is such a link DON'T do it again.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

I've not posted for ages and don't know why I feel compelled to post on this one? My opinion for what it's worth:

I feel that if you sat any City fan down on a one to one basis, that fan would likely agree what a God awful tragedy it was for all those people to have lost their lives at Munich. However, place them with another gang of City fans (and a quantity of light ale) and a significant number are more than happy to chant Muncih songs.

I think all this comes down to (amongst other things of course) the baser, tribal/herding instincts of the human psyche. Furthermore, I feel that most people who chant these songs do so purely for antagonistic reasons, somehow bizarrely not correllating the songs to the reality of the tragedy. It's an opportunity for them to display their hatred of one tribe and their belonging to another.

An example of this working in reverse can be seen with United chanting songs about Hilsborough and Marc Foe.

Just an opinon and there to be shot at.

For the record, I'm not proud of it, but have sang many a Munich song in the past but have grown up significantly enough over the last 15 years to not feel the need to do it to prove I'm a Blue.

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