good debate - gone off track

Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Eddie said:
I've not posted for ages and don't know why I feel compelled to post on this one? My opinion for what it's worth:

I feel that if you sat any City fan down on a one to one basis, that fan would likely agree what a God awful tragedy it was for all those people to have lost their lives at ******. However, place them with another gang of City fans (and a quantity of light ale) and a significant number are more than happy to chant Muncih songs.

I think all this comes down to (amongst other things of course) the baser, tribal/herding instincts of the human psyche. Furthermore, I feel that most people who chant these songs do so purely for antagonistic reasons, somehow bizarrely not correllating the songs to the reality of the tragedy. It's an opportunity for them to display their hatred of one tribe and their belonging to another.

An example of this working in reverse can be seen with United chanting songs about Hilsborough and Marc Foe.

Just an opinon and there to be shot at.

For the record, I'm not proud of it, but have sang many a ****** song in the past but have grown up significantly enough over the last 15 years to not feel the need to do it to prove I'm a Blue.

Have you ever read the 'soccer tribe' by Desmond Morris? With your analogy you should get a copy if you can, it's a good read and many things are explained about the behaviour of football fans and the psyche behind it all. Well worth it if you can find a copy as it came out in the early 80's.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Matty said:
True_Blue69 said:
Ill be honest with you, I think you talk a load of shite and after the post you made a few pages back (quoted below) I cant take anything you say seriously.
I'll be honest with you too, your opinion of me doesn't matter a fuck to me. If you're the kind of neanderthal who makes those chants then I'm quite happy to have absolutely fuck all to do with you. Jade Goody died a while back, how about popping down to her house in Essex and chanting how much of a cow she was and how you're glad she died to her kids........

I'd imagine you can't take my posts seriously because there's no-one there to explain them to you.

Considering that you were saying earlier in this thread that it's okay to take the piss out of Jade Goody in the form of joke text messages, I find this comment rather strange. Oh hold on, you said it was okay to do that because it wasn't in front of her family - this despite the fact that her family are almost certainly aware that such text messages are in circulation. But because you haven't done it in front of her family, you think it's okay. So taking this to its logical conclusion, what you're actually saying is that City fans can sing about M*nich as long as it is out of the earshot of anyone who was directly affected by it? But hold on a sec, I bet that isn't what you think after all.

Keep up the good work - your hypocrisy is mind-boggling.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

M18CTID said:
Matty said:
True_Blue69 said:
Ill be honest with you, I think you talk a load of shite and after the post you made a few pages back (quoted below) I cant take anything you say seriously.
I'll be honest with you too, your opinion of me doesn't matter a fuck to me. If you're the kind of neanderthal who makes those chants then I'm quite happy to have absolutely fuck all to do with you. Jade Goody died a while back, how about popping down to her house in Essex and chanting how much of a cow she was and how you're glad she died to her kids........

I'd imagine you can't take my posts seriously because there's no-one there to explain them to you.

Considering that you were saying earlier in this thread that it's okay to take the piss out of Jade Goody in the form of joke text messages, I find this comment rather strange. Oh hold on, you said it was okay to do that because it wasn't in front of her family - this despite the fact that her family are almost certainly aware that such text messages are in circulation. But because you haven't done it in front of her family, you think it's okay. So taking this to its logical conclusion, what you're actually saying is that City fans can sing about M*nich as long as it is out of the earshot of anyone who was directly affected by it? But hold on a sec, I bet that isn't what you think after all.

Keep up the good work - your hypocrisy is mind-boggling.
It's only looks like hypocrisy if you aren't intelligent enough to understand what I'm saying. Guess we know which camp you fall into.......
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

1_barry_conlon said:
Eddie said:
I've not posted for ages and don't know why I feel compelled to post on this one? My opinion for what it's worth:

I feel that if you sat any City fan down on a one to one basis, that fan would likely agree what a God awful tragedy it was for all those people to have lost their lives at ******. However, place them with another gang of City fans (and a quantity of light ale) and a significant number are more than happy to chant Muncih songs.

I think all this comes down to (amongst other things of course) the baser, tribal/herding instincts of the human psyche. Furthermore, I feel that most people who chant these songs do so purely for antagonistic reasons, somehow bizarrely not correllating the songs to the reality of the tragedy. It's an opportunity for them to display their hatred of one tribe and their belonging to another.

An example of this working in reverse can be seen with United chanting songs about Hilsborough and Marc Foe.

Just an opinon and there to be shot at.

For the record, I'm not proud of it, but have sang many a ****** song in the past but have grown up significantly enough over the last 15 years to not feel the need to do it to prove I'm a Blue.

Have you ever read the 'soccer tribe' by Desmond Morris? With your analogy you should get a copy if you can, it's a good read and many things are explained about the behaviour of football fans and the psyche behind it all. Well worth it if you can find a copy as it came out in the early 80's.

Thanks mate. I'll try and dig a copy out as it sounds quite interesting.

Always been a bit of a piss-psychologist at heart.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Matty said:
M18CTID said:
Matty said:
True_Blue69 said:
Ill be honest with you, I think you talk a load of shite and after the post you made a few pages back (quoted below) I cant take anything you say seriously.
I'll be honest with you too, your opinion of me doesn't matter a fuck to me. If you're the kind of neanderthal who makes those chants then I'm quite happy to have absolutely fuck all to do with you. Jade Goody died a while back, how about popping down to her house in Essex and chanting how much of a cow she was and how you're glad she died to her kids........

I'd imagine you can't take my posts seriously because there's no-one there to explain them to you.

Considering that you were saying earlier in this thread that it's okay to take the piss out of Jade Goody in the form of joke text messages, I find this comment rather strange. Oh hold on, you said it was okay to do that because it wasn't in front of her family - this despite the fact that her family are almost certainly aware that such text messages are in circulation. But because you haven't done it in front of her family, you think it's okay. So taking this to its logical conclusion, what you're actually saying is that City fans can sing about M*nich as long as it is out of the earshot of anyone who was directly affected by it? But hold on a sec, I bet that isn't what you think after all.

Keep up the good work - your hypocrisy is mind-boggling.
It's only looks like hypocrisy if you aren't intelligent enough to understand what I'm saying. Guess we know which camp you fall into.......

I think M18CITD is right TBH.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Matty said:
M18CTID said:
Matty said:
True_Blue69 said:
Ill be honest with you, I think you talk a load of shite and after the post you made a few pages back (quoted below) I cant take anything you say seriously.
I'll be honest with you too, your opinion of me doesn't matter a fuck to me. If you're the kind of neanderthal who makes those chants then I'm quite happy to have absolutely fuck all to do with you. Jade Goody died a while back, how about popping down to her house in Essex and chanting how much of a cow she was and how you're glad she died to her kids........

I'd imagine you can't take my posts seriously because there's no-one there to explain them to you.

Considering that you were saying earlier in this thread that it's okay to take the piss out of Jade Goody in the form of joke text messages, I find this comment rather strange. Oh hold on, you said it was okay to do that because it wasn't in front of her family - this despite the fact that her family are almost certainly aware that such text messages are in circulation. But because you haven't done it in front of her family, you think it's okay. So taking this to its logical conclusion, what you're actually saying is that City fans can sing about M*nich as long as it is out of the earshot of anyone who was directly affected by it? But hold on a sec, I bet that isn't what you think after all.

Keep up the good work - your hypocrisy is mind-boggling.
It's only looks like hypocrisy if you aren't intelligent enough to understand what I'm saying. Guess we know which camp you fall into.......

Stop trying to twist it - I know exactly what you said earlier in this thread and you've been done up like a kipper with no way of wriggling out of it. So you post crap about not being intelligent enough to understand - fuck me, even Shane Warne would be proud of the amount of spin in that comment.

As for which camp I'm in, if you bother to read back through my posts you'll know exactly which camp I'm in. I'd sooner that sort of shit didn't get sung but as I can't profess to be whiter than white myself and as a past offender, I don't believe it's right to come over all self-righteous about the issue. You, on the other hand, paint yourself as someone who has never said or done anything remotely offensive in your life. But I've already proved earlier in this thread that that isn't the case so you're resorting to lies and spin to get out of it.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Hughes_head_scout said:
Matty said:
M18CTID said:
Matty said:
Jade Goody died a while back, how about popping down to her house in Essex and chanting how much of a cow she was and how you're glad she died to her kids........

I'd imagine you can't take my posts seriously because there's no-one there to explain them to you.

Considering that you were saying earlier in this thread that it's okay to take the piss out of Jade Goody in the form of joke text messages, I find this comment rather strange. Oh hold on, you said it was okay to do that because it wasn't in front of her family - this despite the fact that her family are almost certainly aware that such text messages are in circulation. But because you haven't done it in front of her family, you think it's okay. So taking this to its logical conclusion, what you're actually saying is that City fans can sing about M*nich as long as it is out of the earshot of anyone who was directly affected by it? But hold on a sec, I bet that isn't what you think after all.

Keep up the good work - your hypocrisy is mind-boggling.
It's only looks like hypocrisy if you aren't intelligent enough to understand what I'm saying. Guess we know which camp you fall into.......

I think M18CITD is right TBH.
It's a pandemic of idiocy.

I really can't grasp how people can't see the difference between standing up at a football match, with the World able to watch, live, and chanting about death as opposed to receiving and forwarding a text joke about someone who has died. In fact it's probably the fact that some people aren't able to see the glaring difference in these two scenarios that perpetuates the M*nich chanting.

There are times when I feel I've seriously over estimated the basic intelligence of mankind.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

M18CTID said:
Stop trying to twist it - I know exactly what you said earlier in this thread and you've been done up like a kipper with no way of wriggling out of it. So you post crap about not being intelligent enough to understand - fuck me, even Shane Warne would be proud of the amount of spin in that comment.
"Done up like a kipper"? Seriously, that's your response?

I'll spell it out, in words with as few syllables as possible so as not to confuse.

Chanting about M*nich is VERY different to sending a text about someone who has died.

The equivalent of chanting about M*nich is standing outside Jade Goody's house and singing about her death. As I mentioned earlier.

When you stand up at a football match, in front of 40,000 other people, with the World's media present, potentially with millions of people sat at home watching the game, and sing about people dying in a plane crash, it's abhorent, and it is beamed directly into the homes of people who have been directly, and indirectly, affected by it.

When someone sends a text to a friend with a joke attached regarding someone dying there are TWO people who see that, the sender and the recipient.

If you can't see the difference then there really is no further point talking to you about it.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Ahhh right, so if City fans were mocking the M*nich dead in the form of joke text messages rather than shouting about it at football matches that would make it okay and you wouldn't have any objection to it, considering that you've pretty much admitted to mocking the death of other famous people in the form of joke text messages yourself?

Like I said, you're a hypocrite.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Matty said:
M18CTID said:
Stop trying to twist it - I know exactly what you said earlier in this thread and you've been done up like a kipper with no way of wriggling out of it. So you post crap about not being intelligent enough to understand - fuck me, even Shane Warne would be proud of the amount of spin in that comment.
"Done up like a kipper"? Seriously, that's your response?

I'll spell it out, in words with as few syllables as possible so as not to confuse.

Chanting about M*nich is VERY different to sending a text about someone who has died.

The equivalent of chanting about M*nich is standing outside Jade Goody's house and singing about her death. As I mentioned earlier.

When you stand up at a football match, in front of 40,000 other people, with the World's media present, potentially with millions of people sat at home watching the game, and sing about people dying in a plane crash, it's abhorent, and it is beamed directly into the homes of people who have been directly, and indirectly, affected by it.

When someone sends a text to a friend with a joke attached regarding someone dying there are TWO people who see that, the sender and the recipient.

If you can't see the difference then there really is no further point talking to you about it.

Oh, I know the difference alright. And I've already pointed out that Jade Goody's family are probably well aware that all those sick text messages exist so you're still mocking her death.

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