good debate - gone off track

Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

M18CTID said:
Ahhh right, so if City fans were mocking the M*nich dead in the form of joke text messages rather than shouting about it at football matches that would make it okay and you wouldn't have any objection to it, considering that you've pretty much admitted to mocking the death of other famous people in the form of joke text messages yourself?

Like I said, you're a hypocrite.
Hmmm, did I though? Or did I simply state that chanting about M*nich was far worse than sending such texts? I think you'll find I never actually stated that I had sent such texts, just compared the chanting to the actual sending of the texts. If you're going to accuse someone of hypocracy then it's normally a good idea to actual SEE if they've been hypocritical in the first place. Stops you looking like a fool.

If people were to mock the M*nich dead in the form of text messages (sent to people it wouldn't offend, i.e. NOT to rag mates etc) then that would be different to chanting it at a football match, yes. I'm not saying it would be right, or that I would partake, but at least United fans and the rest of the World wouldn't be subjected to it, and it wouldn't reflect poorly on City fans who DON'T agree with the M*nich piss taking, or the club.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

M18CTID said:
Oh, I know the difference alright. And I've already pointed out that Jade Goody's family are probably well aware that all those sick text messages exist so you're still mocking her death.
They may well be aware of it, but that's down to people making the content of those texts public knowledge. A text between two people is exactly that, between those TWO people. If someone else at some point happens to make the content of that text public knowledge (either via the internet or sending it to someone they shouldn't) then that's THEIR fault.

Plus, as you'll see above, don't believe I ever said I actually HAD sent such texts, so NO, I'm NOT still mocking her death.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Matty said:
M18CTID said:
Ahhh right, so if City fans were mocking the M*nich dead in the form of joke text messages rather than shouting about it at football matches that would make it okay and you wouldn't have any objection to it, considering that you've pretty much admitted to mocking the death of other famous people in the form of joke text messages yourself?

Like I said, you're a hypocrite.
Hmmm, did I though? Or did I simply state that chanting about M*nich was far worse than sending such texts? I think you'll find I never actually stated that I had sent such texts, just compared the chanting to the actual sending of the texts. If you're going to accuse someone of hypocracy then it's normally a good idea to actual SEE if they've been hypocritical in the first place. Stops you looking like a fool.

If people were to mock the M*nich dead in the form of text messages (sent to people it wouldn't offend, i.e. NOT to rag mates etc) then that would be different to chanting it at a football match, yes. I'm not saying it would be right, or that I would partake, but at least United fans and the rest of the World wouldn't be subjected to it, and it wouldn't reflect poorly on City fans who DON'T agree with the M*nich piss taking, or the club.

So what you're now saying is that you've never laughed at or forwarded as text message that mocks the death of somebody famous? Do you seriously expect me to believe that?

Oh, and I can guarantee that the vast majority of Rags aren't offended by it - they couldn't give a shit about what happened all those years ago. They just use it as an excuse to slag City fans off while at the same time turning a blind eye to the people amongst their own support that mock other football disasters. And that's not to excuse the M*nich chants - they're wrong and I wished they were consigned to history for good.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Matty, I really would let this one go.

You've lost the argument and you're looking a bit daft, to be honest.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

M18CTID said:
So what you're now saying is that you've never laughed at or forwarded as text message that mocks the death of somebody famous? Do you seriously expect me to believe that?
Do you know me?

Have you ever met me?

The answer to both the above is no. So, based on that, you're in no position to say whether I have or haven't sent such texts/emails. Clearly I've received them, but you can't do anything about texts and emails people send to you.

I don't personally find death all that funny. I wasn't particularly cut up when Jade Goody died, for example, I thought she was an idiotic and repugnant person when she was alive so the fact she'd died didn't really change that, but I also didn't take any great satisfaction in her death or see it as something humorous.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Didsbury Dave said:
Matty, I really would let this one go.

You've lost the argument and you're looking a bit daft, to be honest.

Again only if you haven't fully grasped the points of the argument does it seem like that.

The only way it looks like I've "lost the argument" as you put it is if you feel there's no actual difference between a private joke made about a sensitive issue and a public display of vitriol.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

singing munich songs is neither big nor clever,whilst referring to them as munichs in my book is ok.i`d never come out with it in front of rags of a certain age say 40 years on but the majority shed a few crocodile tears every anniversary and have no idea ,Look they tried to head us off with Frank Swift last time like we did`nt know,i knew and most blues knew,it was those inward looking muppets who did`nt
Like i say its not big and its not clever but when they give it out about MVF( like i heard last sunday) plus the despicable things i`ve heard recently about hillsborogh then i`ve zero sympathy
at the end of the day the lads singing munich songs are`nt old enough to remember the air disaster and are only doing it to annoy them . The same cannot said about the men in black who remember only to well.
I`m preety sure if bradford were a challenge to them they`d resort to even greater depths CUNTS
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Oh and matt stop being such a sanctimonious twat
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

halpo123 said:
Like i say its not big and its not clever but when they give it out about MVF( like i heard last sunday) plus the despicable things i`ve heard recently about hillsborogh then i`ve zero sympathy
I've no doubt that United fans are just as bad with their chanting. However it shouldn't really be a case of "well, if they're doing it then I don't see why we shouldn't". I've always liked to believe that City fans are superior to United fans, in pretty much every way possible. As such we should be able to rise above such chants, let them belittle themselves and draw the ire of the football world for chanting about players and fans dying, we should take the moral high ground. If we don't then, sadly, we're no better than they are.

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