Goodbye Mario? (merged)

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Re: Goodbye Mario?

didactic said:
Matty said:
didactic said:
You are a teacher and you do not know how to run an ACCURATE experiment? God help us all.

That's not an experiment. That's a survey. Surveys involve posing a question(s) and collating the responses. In that particular survey only 1 in the 27 children asked to "name a City player" came up with Mario Balotelli, which statistically, within that very narrow pool of participants, indicates Balotelli, whilst more popular than many City players (i.e. those whose name was not mentioned) is far less popular than some others. Quite what you felt was inaccurate about that very simplistic question and response process is beyond me.

Its inaccurate because for every survey you have to take all the other factors. Where was the question asked? Are all those children City fans? Who is favorite player to their parents? You need a much broader number of children and also the demographic matters. The sample size matters too.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

He's not planned to conduct a nationwide survey on the basis of being able to respond to someone's point on here. He, admittedly, did a quick survey with the "tools" at his disposal. He's not typed up his findings, printed it, fucking laminated it, slapped a special delivery stamp on it and posted it to Sheikh fucking Mansour, has he?

He has 27 children in his class. Only 1 of them, regardless of who they, or their parents, support said Balotelli. That's just one quick survey done to give a "slight" hint that everyone may not have Balotelli at the front of their mind when posed such a question.

That is all.
Re: Goodbye Mario?

tolmie's hairdoo said:
Jnr Kisby said:
Im sticking to my guns, Mario will still be here come Feb 1st. We would be stupid to sell him, Mario will become one of the all time greats he just needs to mature (something most of us were guilty for). If we sell him we'll regret it.

You're well within your rights and as someone has pertinently mentioned elsewhere in this thread, what Mario believes is a sideshow, has no real impact on the negotiation process.

However, the real show has been going on for weeks behind the scenes and it's playing out now.

City aren't stupid and are looking at a few things, but Mario staying is not an option we want to even contemplate at this stage.

The boy has gone, both in his own mind and what he has been doing behind the scenes.

We certainly wouldn't want Mario anywhere near here, after the window.

So was he saying his goodbyes at training yesterday?

Or is he with the squad still tonight?

Or both?

Re: Goodbye Mario?

I wouldn't be bothered if he leaves, as long as we have a replacement lined up. If we haven't then Mario will stay.

For all his talent, he has no application. Compare that to Zabba, who uses every ounce of his ability and more, each game with passion and commitment.

Hard work will defeat genius when genius doesn't work hard.
Re: Goodbye Mario?

sjk2008 said:
didactic said:
Matty said:
That's not an experiment. That's a survey. Surveys involve posing a question(s) and collating the responses. In that particular survey only 1 in the 27 children asked to "name a City player" came up with Mario Balotelli, which statistically, within that very narrow pool of participants, indicates Balotelli, whilst more popular than many City players (i.e. those whose name was not mentioned) is far less popular than some others. Quite what you felt was inaccurate about that very simplistic question and response process is beyond me.

Its inaccurate because for every survey you have to take all the other factors. Where was the question asked? Are all those children City fans? Who is favorite player to their parents? You need a much broader number of children and also the demographic matters. The sample size matters too.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

He's not planned to conduct a nationwide survey on the basis of being able to respond to someone's point on here. He, admittedly, did a quick survey with the "tools" at his disposal. He's not typed up his findings, printed it, fucking laminated it, slapped a special delivery stamp on it and posted it to Sheikh fucking Mansour, has he?

He has 27 children in his class. Only 1 of them, regardless of who they, or their parents, support said Balotelli. That's just one quick survey done to give a "slight" hint that everyone may not have Balotelli at the front of their mind when posed such a question.

That is all.

Do not talk to me.

That is all.
Re: Goodbye Mario?

didactic said:
sjk2008 said:
didactic said:
Its inaccurate because for every survey you have to take all the other factors. Where was the question asked? Are all those children City fans? Who is favorite player to their parents? You need a much broader number of children and also the demographic matters. The sample size matters too.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

He's not planned to conduct a nationwide survey on the basis of being able to respond to someone's point on here. He, admittedly, did a quick survey with the "tools" at his disposal. He's not typed up his findings, printed it, fucking laminated it, slapped a special delivery stamp on it and posted it to Sheikh fucking Mansour, has he?

He has 27 children in his class. Only 1 of them, regardless of who they, or their parents, support said Balotelli. That's just one quick survey done to give a "slight" hint that everyone may not have Balotelli at the front of their mind when posed such a question.

That is all.

Do not talk to me.

That is all.

Stop coming across as a right fucking whopper then.
Re: Goodbye Mario?

I'm slightly indifferent as to if he stays or goes. I think we should only let him go if we are going to bring a quality replacement in. He has contributed little this season so far, so might not be that much of a miss. If he does stay he needs to start turning in some MOTM performances, with the talent he has we should be seeing a lot more from him IMO.
Re: Goodbye Mario?

I have always been nonplussed by Balo in all guises that seem to gather response, anger or laughter. I do not keep myself up at night wanking over what he might have done or carve strange angry messages in my bedroom wall about him for "showing us up" whatever that means

I will in one way be happy he has gone as then whoppers of both varieties and the xl bacon double cheeseburgers can just shut the fuck up arguing about it

Oh and fuck Cavani and Falcao shouters too
Re: Goodbye Mario?

Juan King said:
I'm slightly indifferent as to if he stays or goes. I think we should only let him go if we are going to bring a quality replacement in. He has contributed little this season so far, so might not be that much of a miss. If he does stay he needs to start turning in some MOTM performances, with the talent he has we should be seeing a lot more from him IMO.

Re: Goodbye Mario?

Balotelli has travelled down to London with the rest of the squad, and is expected to be on the bench. Hardly the actions of a man that is expecting to be leaving to go to Italy anytime soon...
Re: Goodbye Mario?

bobby manc's scarf said:
Balotelli has travelled down to London with the rest of the squad, and is expected to be on the bench. Hardly the actions of a man that is expecting to be leaving to go to Italy anytime soon...
London is a bit nearer Milan tho
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