Gordons last night

BBGL we have done it - gordon is home! update pg 43

Well done to all who contributed,fantastic gesture,have a good time Gordon
Re: Can we have your idea's for a meet for drinks, Whose coming?

I can meet before/after the Villa game. Rags may be a bit tricky, unless the better half's willing to drop me off and pick me up :o)
Re: Can we have your idea's for a meet for drinks, Whose coming?

The last game of the season Im flying in for is the derby, so if its gonna be the Villa game, hopefully someone will take pics and post them on here.
Re: BBGL we have done it - flights booked! please read pg 43

dollyblue said:
Hello all you good people, just another five hours and we will be on our way to Manchester.
I've tried so hard these past few weeks not to get emotional when I read your kind words, and see the money that you are donating to bring me home, I say home because no matter where I am in the world, Manchester City will always be my home, and that will never change, never!!

So when I entered the Coming home with Etihad Competition, little did I know I at the time something like this was going to happen, all I was looking for at the time was votes.

Etihad had my entry coming from Melbourne and not Perth, I think the only reason for this is, they don't have a stop here in Western Australia, so I was competing with the other entries on the East Coast of Australia, where I could have been winning votes here in the West.

So this is where Gareth and Ste picked up the problem, thinking I didn't stand a chance, especially with all the videos that were being made, so the rest is history, which you were all a part of, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To Gareth, Ste, and Danny, this has been some marathon, with some sleepless nights, THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! but as Gareth stated before this was a team job, and another person who came to the rescue who doesn't wish to be mentioned, made it possible for my wife to join me on this trip of a lifetime, THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!

And as the Great Man said the other day (Bert Trautmann) Manchester City Fans are the BEST IN THE WORLD!! and who could argue with that?

Thanks again

Gordon. (Dollyblue)

Shivered reading that Gordon. Might look you up in the New Year if thats ok, as i will hopefully be visiting a friend in Perth if i have the time.

Anyway, congratulations and i hope you have a fantastic stay. Hopefully share a pint with you while you're here but if not have a great time.

Re: BBGL we have done it - flights booked! please read pg 43

Ricster said:
dollyblue said:
Hello all you good people, just another five hours and we will be on our way to Manchester.
I've tried so hard these past few weeks not to get emotional when I read your kind words, and see the money that you are donating to bring me home, I say home because no matter where I am in the world, Manchester City will always be my home, and that will never change, never!!

So when I entered the Coming home with Etihad Competition, little did I know I at the time something like this was going to happen, all I was looking for at the time was votes.

Etihad had my entry coming from Melbourne and not Perth, I think the only reason for this is, they don't have a stop here in Western Australia, so I was competing with the other entries on the East Coast of Australia, where I could have been winning votes here in the West.

So this is where Gareth and Ste picked up the problem, thinking I didn't stand a chance, especially with all the videos that were being made, so the rest is history, which you were all a part of, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To Gareth, Ste, and Danny, this has been some marathon, with some sleepless nights, THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! but as Gareth stated before this was a team job, and another person who came to the rescue who doesn't wish to be mentioned, made it possible for my wife to join me on this trip of a lifetime, THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!

And as the Great Man said the other day (Bert Trautmann) Manchester City Fans are the BEST IN THE WORLD!! and who could argue with that?

Thanks again

Gordon. (Dollyblue)

Shivered reading that Gordon. Might look you up in the New Year if thats ok, as i will hopefully be visiting a friend in Perth if i have the time.

Anyway, congratulations and i hope you have a fantastic stay. Hopefully share a pint with you while you're here but if not have a great time.


Genuinly, beautiful words from a blue to all blues, hope you enjoy your days back home


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